Food Industry Corruption: 4 Ways It Affects You

Food Industry Corruption: 4 Ways It Affects You

Food costs consume a huge percentage of our budget. Because we’re dependent on food, we’re also fairly dependent on those who market and sell it. Food industries take advantage of this. By making claims about the proven nutritional value of their products, food and drug companies and advocacy groups blur the line between science and marketing. How does food industry corruption affect you? Organizations like the National Dairy Council, the American Meat Institute, and Florida Citrus Processors Association each have annual budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. With this money comes power over research, medical education, and government

You’re Probably Eating Too Much Protein: How Much is Too Much?

You’re Probably Eating Too Much Protein: How Much is Too Much?

There’s a lot of confusion around protein. How much protein should I eat? Can you eat too much protein? If so, how much protein is too much? Protein is an essential part of our biological makeup—proteins function as enzymes, hormones, tissues, and transport molecules, among other roles. But you probably don’t need as much protein as you’ve heard. We’ll cover how much protein you need, how much protein is too much, and what happens if you eat too much protein.

What Should My Cholesterol Be? Lower Than You Think

What Should My Cholesterol Be? Lower Than You Think

Many doctors will tell you that blood cholesterol levels below 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) are healthy. However, some doctors say even these levels of cholesterol in the blood are unsafe. This may leave you wondering, “What should my cholesterol be?” Studies show that there may be no such thing as “healthy” cholesterol levels. We’ll cover the research linking blood cholesterol to many of the most common diseases in the West and look at why there is no healthy cholesterol range.

Is a High-Carb Diet Actually Healthy? Surprises from Science

Is a High-Carb Diet Actually Healthy? Surprises from Science

Are high-carb diets healthy? Recent dietary trends have taught us to shun carbs, but we also know that high-carb foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains are good for you. How do you know whether a low-carb or high-carb diet is healthiest? Studies show that a high-carb diet may be the healthiest out there. We’ll cover why low-carb diets are unhealthy and how you can transition to a healthy high-carb diet.

Protein-Energy Malnutrition: Animal Protein Isn’t the Answer

Protein-Energy Malnutrition: Animal Protein Isn’t the Answer

What is protein-energy malnutrition? Is protein the key to eradicating malnutrition? Protein-energy malnutrition is a type of malnutrition involving a lack of protein and/or calories in the malnourished person’s diet. During the 1960s and 70s, experts believed that a deficiency in animal-based protein was the primary cause of malnutrition. Learn why T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study, thinks that consuming more animal protein isn’t the answer to solving protein-energy malnutrition in developing countries.