The Meat Industry: Animal Cruelty Is Everywhere

The Meat Industry: Animal Cruelty Is Everywhere

Does the meat industry have animal cruelty? What kinds of conditions do animals face? It’s first worth noting that the fast food industry and meatpacking industry go through great efforts to stop people from seeing the full extent of animal cruelty in their industry. But animals face constant suffering until their deaths. Read more about the meat industry and animal cruelty below.

The Lipid Hypothesis: The Biggest Food Hoax Ever?

The Lipid Hypothesis: The Biggest Food Hoax Ever?

What is the lipid hypothesis? How did the lipid hypothesis change dietary guidelines in the United States? Was there any evidence to corroborate it? The lipid hypothesis is a medical theory that postulates an association between the intake of saturated fat and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This hypothesis motivated the McGovern committee to create the Dietary Goals for the U.S. report which advised Americans to limit their consumption of red meat and dairy even though the evidence was weak. Keep reading to learn about the health implications of the lipid hypothesis.

What Is Real Food? Michael Pollan’s Answer

What Is Real Food? Michael Pollan’s Answer

What is real food? How can you tell which foods are real, that is, unprocessed and unadulterated by chemicals? Food is all around us, but according to Michael Pollan, the author of In Defense of Food, most of it is not real. But, what exactly is real is food? According to Pollan, there are three criteria that can help you tell which foods are real and which ones are not. The following three rules can help you determine what food is real.

Nutritionism and the Rise of Fake Food

Nutritionism and the Rise of Fake Food

What is nutritionism? How has the ideology of nutritionism changed the way we determine the health value of food products? Popularized by Michael Pollan in his book In Defense of Food, nutritionism refers to a paradigm which states that the value of food is determined solely by its constituent nutrients. Pollan argues that the ideology of nutritionism has distorted our understanding of healthy eating, such that even processed foods are believed to be healthy because they contain certain nutrients. Keep reading to learn about the rise of nutritionism.

The American Diet: Where Did We Go Wrong?

The American Diet: Where Did We Go Wrong?

Why are so many Americans sick and obese given their obsession with healthy eating? What is it about the American diet that’s sent the health of the population into a tailspin? Studies show that albeit the concern for healthy eating, American rates of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are going up. According to Michael Pollan, the author of In Defense of Food, the problem with the American diet is that it places too much focus on food’s nutritional content. Here is what’s wrong with the American diet, according to Michael Pollan.