Is spending a lot of money on food really worth it? Is expensive food really significantly better than cheaper, more affordable staples? Most people are geared towards quantity and cheap, accessible food. But according to Michael Pollan, the author of In Defense of Food, we shouldn’t be too frugal when it comes to spending money on food. In general, more expensive food (especially, food of natural origin) is better for you because of a lack of toxins and improved nutritional quality. Here is why spending more money on food is indeed worth it, according to Michael Pollan.
McDonald’s in Europe + Beyond: Fast Food Takes Over
Is there McDonald’s in Europe? How did McDonald’s expand so rapidly? McDonald’s in Europe is now almost as common as McDonald’s in the U.S. In fact, you can find a McDonald’s in almost every country on Earth. Read more about McDonald’s in Europe and how the fast food chain spread all over the world.
Fast Food Nation: Book Challenges Industry
What is the Fast Food Nation book about? What are the main themes in the book? Fast Food Nation is a book about the fast food industry and the many ethical issues present. The book covers issues like problems in agriculture, health, and the environment caused by the giant fast food industry. Keep reading for key points of the Fast Food Nation book.
Fast Food: Obesity Rising Around the Globe
What’s the connection between fast food and obesity? Are the two really connected? The truth is that fast food and obesity have a clear link. With the rise of fast food over the last half-century, obesity has also increased significantly. Read more about fast food and obesity and how they’re connected.
The Truth About Saturated Fat and Heart Disease
Is there a link between saturated fat and heart disease? Does consumption of saturated fat lead to an increased risk of coronary heart disease? Is there any scientific evidence to corroborate this association? Since the 1950s, doctors and the general public alike have believed that consumption of saturated fat leads to coronary heart disease (CHD). However, only a few studies ever found a positive correlation between saturated fat and heart disease. Keep reading to learn more about the link between saturated fat and heart disease.
4 Fast Food Nation Quotes on Ethics, Health, and More
What are the best Fast Food Nation quotes? Can the quotes help explain major themes? Fast Food Nation covers problems like workers’ safety, government ethics, and more. These Fast Food Nation quotes can help you understand why the fast food industry is extremely unethical and unsustainable. Keep reading for four Fast Food Nation quotes to make you think.
McDonalds Global: Golden Arches in Every Country
What is McDonald’s global strategy? How did McDonald’s expand internationally? McDonald’s global strategy is to gain customers all over the world, and to have McDonald’s restaurants in all countries using their efficiency model. Another hallmark of McDonald’s global is that it should taste the same everywhere you go. Read more about McDonald’s global strategy.
The 4 Rules for Eating Whole Foods
What do nutritionists recommend eating whole foods? Which whole foods are the healthiest? There are significant health benefits to eating predominantly whole foods. However, not all whole foods are created equal—some are healthier than others. Here are few rules that can help you identify which whole foods you should be eating for optimal health and vitality.
Fast Food Lobbyists Push for More Freedom
What are fast food lobbyists? Why is this so pervasive in American agriculture and the American government? Fast food lobbyists are people who fight on behalf of fast food corporations to enable them to able to control some aspect of policies by influencing government officials. Fast food lobbyists are incredibly common and effective. Fast food lobbyists are a huge part of the industry and have substantial effects on all aspects of the business.
Industrialization of Food Production: The True Cost
How has the industrialization of food production changed the way we eat? What five shifts in nutrition did it cause? According to Michael Pollan, the author of In Defense of Food, the industrialization of food production has compromised our relationship with food in many profound ways. Specifically, industrializing food production has led to five major shifts in nutrition that are responsible for most food-related diseases. Keep reading to learn about the consequences resulting from the industrialization of food production, according to Michael Pollan.