How to Control Hunger During Fasting

How to Control Hunger During Fasting

Do you experience extreme hunger pangs when fasting? How long does it take for hunger to dissipate? It’s normal to experience constant hunger during fasting, especially in the beginning stages. As your body gets used to going without food for extended periods, you’ll begin to tune back in with your natural appetite signals. However, getting there will take time—in most people, these signals have been messed up by constant feeding. While your body is adjusting, learning to eat intuitively will help keep hunger at bay. Here are some tips on how to control hunger during fasting.

Alternate-Day Fasting: Schedules, Benefits, & More

Alternate-Day Fasting: Schedules, Benefits, & More

What are the benefits of alternate-day fasting? How often should you alternate between fasting and eating normally? Alternate-day fasting (ADF) has been shown to promote weight loss and improve overall health. There are several alternate-day fasting schedules, including 5:2, 4:3, and “True ADF,” which means alternating up-and-down nonstop. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of alternate-day fasting and how to time your ADF for maximum effectiveness.

Where Does the Process of Digestion Begin?

Where Does the Process of Digestion Begin?

Where does the process of digestion begin? What are the key organs involved in the digestion of food? We tend to think digestion happens in the abdomen, but it actually starts in the mouth. When we eat food, the mouth begins to break it down by releasing saliva and chewing. The mouth also protects us from unwelcome bacteria that we encounter in everyday life. These functions take place in two places: the salivary glands and the tonsils. Keep reading to learn about the stages of the digestion process.

What Are the Three Macronutrients Your Body Needs?

What Are the Three Macronutrients Your Body Needs?

What are the three macronutrients? What is the function of each? The building blocks of the food you eat are called macronutrients (macro- meaning “large”) because your body needs them in large quantities. Macronutrients fuel your body with energy and build important structures such as hormones, muscles, and DNA. Keep reading for a better understanding of the three macronutrients’ roles in your health.

The 7 Stages of Digestion: Ingestion to Excretion

The 7 Stages of Digestion: Ingestion to Excretion

What are the seven stages of digestion? How is food processed through the body? Digesting food is a complex process that requires all of the organs in the gut to work together and perform their precise functions. In her book Gut, Giulia Enders describes the seven stages that food goes through to convert into nutrients you can absorb. Keep reading to learn about the process of digestion from start to finish.

David Sinclair: Fasting and Its Benefits

David Sinclair: Fasting and Its Benefits

Is it true that fasting can make you live longer? How does fasting promote longevity? According to Australian biologist David Sinclair, fasting can help slow down aging and extend healthspan. This is because fasting triggers hormesis—the process by which your body becomes stronger by repairing cellular damage and activating other survival mechanisms. Here’s how fasting can turn the biological clock, according to Sinclair.

Here’s Why You Should Reduce Your Calorie Intake

Here’s Why You Should Reduce Your Calorie Intake

Why are we so drawn to high-calorie foods? Is the human body designed to process so many calories? According to Bill Bryson’s book The Body: A Guide for Occupants, humans are attracted to calorie-dense food due to evolution. However, what was once an evolutionary advantage is now the reason why so many people struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Here’s why you should reduce your calorie intake and avoid processed foods.