The 3 Different Types of Carbohydrates, Explained

The 3 Different Types of Carbohydrates, Explained

What exactly are carbohydrates? What different types of carbohydrates are there? Carbohydrates are a macronutrient comprised of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and can be divided into complex and simple. Complex carbohydrates are formed from multiple sugar molecules bond together. Sugars, or simple carbohydrates, are either monosaccharides or disaccharides. Keep reading to learn about the different types of carbohydrates and how they’re digested in the body.

What Are Starchy Carbs? Biochemist Explains

What Are Starchy Carbs? Biochemist Explains

What exactly is starch? How do starchy foods break down in the body? Starch is a type of carbohydrate found in many staple foods such as potatoes, bread, rice, and pasta. It’s comprised of a chain of glucose molecules joined together. When you eat starchy foods, they are broken down into sugars by the enzyme amylase. Keep reading to learn about starchy carbs and how they are digested in the body.

How to Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels: 2 Helpful Tips

How to Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels: 2 Helpful Tips

What causes blood sugar spikes? What are the consequences of frequent blood sugar spikes? Blood sugar spikes happen when your blood sugar rises and then falls sharply following a meal, resulting in lethargy and hunger. In her book Glucose Revolution, biochemist Jessie Inchauspé offers some tips on how to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent fluctuations in your energy levels throughout the day. Here’s a look at the dangers of blood sugar spikes and how to keep them stable.

Diet and Nutrition Advice for Optimal Health

Diet and Nutrition Advice for Optimal Health

Do you want to start eating healthier but aren’t sure where to start? What are some healthy eating tips that can help you set your diet on track? When it comes to healthy eating, there’s so much misinformation that it can be hard to find advice that’s credible and science-backed. However, it’s critical to have correct knowledge of what’s healthy to eat and what isn’t. With this in mind, here’s diet and nutrition advice you can trust.

Free Radicals & Inflammation: The Vicious Cycle of Disease

Free Radicals & Inflammation: The Vicious Cycle of Disease

How do free radicals lead to inflammation in the body? What dietary change can make a difference? Mitochondria manage cellular health and functionality through a number of processes. One process is extracting energy from your body’s metabolic processes to power your cells. In this process, free radicals are created. Unchecked, they damage cells and cause inflammation. Continue reading to learn more about the relationship between free radicals and inflammation.

Why Is the Price of Eggs Going Up & Is Collusion to Blame?

Why Is the Price of Eggs Going Up & Is Collusion to Blame?

Why is the price of eggs going up? Why do some believe collusion is to blame? When will egg prices come down? The average price of eggs jumped 60% last year—one of the largest percentage increases of any food or service in the U.S. Some allege that the price of eggs is going up due to collusion between large egg producers taking advantage of Americans’ durable love of eggs to extract profits as high as 40%. Keep reading to learn why the price of eggs is going up and if we will see it go down in the near future.

How to Balance Gut Bacteria: 2 Ways to Protect Your Health

How to Balance Gut Bacteria: 2 Ways to Protect Your Health

What do gut bacteria do? How are they associated with your overall health? In Super Human, Dave Asprey discusses how you can slow down your biological aging and live longer, and he explains how gut bacteria play a role. He suggests two methods for rebalancing gut bacteria: adding more fiber to your diet and reducing your exposure to antibacterial products and antibiotics. Learn the details of Asprey’s advice on how to balance gut bacteria.

How Heavy Metal Detoxification Supports Your Overall Health

How Heavy Metal Detoxification Supports Your Overall Health

What causes a build-up of metals in your body? What effect does that have on your health? Can you reverse heavy metal toxicity? Dave Asprey argues that you can grow older in years and extend your lifespan without suffering mental and physical deterioration. In Super Human, he identifies the culprits that accelerate biological aging. One of them is excess metals in your body. Continue reading to find out how to avoid heavy metal toxicity and to learn Asprey’s recommendation for heavy metal detoxification.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners: 4 Changes for a Healthy Life

Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners: 4 Changes for a Healthy Life

What should you eat (or not eat) if you’re fighting inflammation? What’s a good substitute for trans fats? Is intermittent fasting a good idea? The food you eat directly impacts the amount of inflammation in your body. Inflammation damages cells and overloads your mitochondria, resulting in fewer antioxidants and more free radicals in your body. Ultimately, this leads to disease and makes you age faster. Keep reading to discover a practical anti-inflammatory diet for beginners.