How to Earn Profit in Business: 3 Money-Making Strategies

A man writing on a sheet of paper with coins stacked next to him, showing how to earn profit in business..

How do you turn a profit in business? What are effective profit-making strategies? Turning a profit can be difficult because many strategies can actually decrease your business’s value. Thankfully, Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, and Sangeet Paul Choudary have strategies that will guarantee your business earns more money. Find out how to earn profit in business below.

The Most Common Tax Deductions & 3 You Didn’t Know About

A piggy bank in hands depicting the money you can save with common tax deductions

How can tax deductions save you money? What are some examples of deductions that might apply to you? Both common tax deductions like those for dependent care and lesser-known deductions like those for energy efficient home improvements can lower your taxable income, meaning you’re taxed on a smaller amount. Understanding what you can deduct can help you save more money this tax season. Let’s explore how to determine which common tax deductions you qualify for and how to claim them on your tax return.

Herb Cohen’s 3 Tips for a Successful Win-Win Negotiation

Two men shaking hands outside with the sun behind them in a win-win negotiation.

What’s a win-win negotiation? What are situations where a win-win negotiation is necessary? Many people think of negotiation as a ruthless showdown between competitors, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Herb Cohen asserts that the most productive negotiations are win-win, in which two parties find a solution that’s better than what either would have come up with had they stated a list of demands. Keep reading to learn how to get a win-win negotiation that pleases everyone.

The Top 4 Basic Business Principles (Claire Hughes Johnson)

A businessman in a suit and tie pointing at graphs and charts on a screen that represent basic business principles.

What are the fundamental business principles your company should focus on? When should you draft a company mission statement? To ensure that your company has a clear identity to guide its business model, business expert Claire Hughes Johnson recommends that you codify your company’s key principles in a set of guiding papers. These should include four components: your company’s mission, long-term targets, key values, and team charters. Learn more about these basic business principles to get you started.

How to Win a Negotiation: 5 Tips for a Win-Lose Deal

Two people trying to win a negotiation, shaking hands by a cityscape.

Do you know how to win a negotiation? Does your negotiation partner want to be the only winner? Herb Cohen contends that sometimes, it won’t be possible to craft a win-win negotiation. When you suspect someone wants to be the only one who wins, it’s time for you to step up and take the win yourself. Let’s look at five tips that’ll help you win a negotiation.

Selflessness in Leadership: 3 Ways to Put Your Team First

A leader patting someone on the back during a business meeting.

Do you need other people? Are you a giver or a taker? Do you tend to run ahead of others and leave them behind? Many leaders think in terms of what’s best for themselves and base their decisions on their personal goals and opinions. John C. Maxwell writes that, to be an effective leader, you must prioritize your team’s needs over your personal ambitions. Keep reading for Maxwell’s advice on how to practice selflessness in leadership.

Moral Authority: 3 Ways Leaders Can Earn It (John C. Maxwell)

A business leader with a team of professional looking people behind him.

Do you have positional authority? Do you have moral authority? Which is more powerful? As a leader, you must develop your influence over others. To do so, you must gain moral authority—respect and recognition for exemplary personal qualities, values, and actions. Having positional authority may force people to follow you, but earning moral authority makes people want to follow you. Read more to learn how to earn moral authority as a leader.

Patagonia’s 6 Environmentally Friendly Business Practices

Patagonia’s 6 Environmentally Friendly Business Practices

Do you want your business to be environmentally friendly? What can businesses learn from Patagonia? Patagonia’s mission is to make the best product, to cause no unnecessary environmental harm, and to use business as a force for solving the environmental crisis. If you want your business to do the same, you can follow Patagonia’s business principles. Continue reading for six environmentally friendly business practices to build a sustainable company.