What is exponential innovation? Why should every entrepreneur become an exponential innovator? Technology has caused products and industries to develop at an exponential rate, making old ways of innovating and competing obsolete. To achieve and maintain success today, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler’s book Bold argues that entrepreneurs must adjust their mindset and embrace exponential innovation. Keep reading to learn how to succeed in the digital era.
The 3 Qualities of Innovators That Entrepreneurs Need
What are the main qualities of innovators? How are innovators so creative? To achieve and maintain success in the digital era, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler’s book Bold argues that entrepreneurs must become exponential innovators. This means adopting a ceaseless commitment to creating daring and novel ideas. Below we’ll explain the major psychological strengths that innovators must have to succeed.
The 4 Creative Habits of Successful Innovators
What creative habits should you get into? How can these habits create fresh and exciting ideas? In Bold, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler present a number of strategies that successful innovators rely on to come up with ideas, products, and services that change the world. Their recommendations can be condensed into four main habits. Let’s explore the four creative habits that you should pick up.
When and How to Get Investors for Your Business
Do you need outside partners for your company? How can you get investors for your business? Investors are major players in small businesses. In Bold, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler express the importance of creating an open network of public members who’ll provide you with the finances and popularity necessary for your innovation to succeed. Read on to learn how to get investors for your business.
How to Create a Crowdfunding Campaign: The 3 Steps
Why should you start a fundraiser? How do you create a crowdfunding campaign? If you have an idea that might change the world, you should consider starting a crowdfunding campaign. In Bold, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler explain the benefits of a fundraiser and how to create one if you think people will invest in your vision. Check out how to create a crowdfunding campaign and make your vision come to life.
How to Build Networks in Business & Gain Support
Do you need to make business connections? How do you build networks in business? According to Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler’s book Bold, one of the most important parts of starting a business is building connections. It’s necessary to have a support network—both in a professional and a personal sense—to keep things running smoothly. Continue reading to learn how to build networks in business.
How to Save a Failing Business & Avoid Major Pitfalls
Are you a business owner? Is your business failing to make money? One of the hardest parts about being a business owner is seeing your company struggle. There are many reasons why a business might fail, but there are ways to come back from these pitfalls. Let’s look at how to save a failing business and turn things around for the better.
How to Sell Your Business: Advice From John Warrillow
Why should you sell your business? What is the process of selling your business? In Built to Sell, businessman John Warrillow provides advice on how to make your small business sellable. The best way to do this is to build a business that runs on its own and accepting the best offer possible. Keep reading to learn how to sell your business in the smoothest way.
Reasons to Sell a Business (+ How to Make It Sellable)
What are the reasons to sell a business? Should you hand over the responsibility to someone else? Built to Sell by John Warrillow takes you through the process of running and selling a profitable small business. One of the biggest reasons why you should consider selling your business is because it gives you multiple options in life. Let’s look at a few reasons why you should consider selling your business to the highest bidder.
How to Create and Run a Scalable Business Model
What is a scalable business model? Do you have a product that you specialize in selling? According to John Warrillow’s book Built to Sell, a scalable business is one that focuses on the efficiency of the services it specializes in. If you’re looking to sell your business, you need to find a product that is scalable. Keep reading to learn how to model a scalable business.