Bill Gates Talks About the Importance of Knowledge in Business

Bill Gates Talks About the Importance of Knowledge in Business

Are you trying to establish credibility in your field? How did Bill Gates do it when he was starting out? Alex Banayan interviewed successful people from a wide range of fields to discover what insights, tricks, and motivations helped them find success. He chose interviewees who started out as unknowns and, thus, lacked credibility. One of these is Bill Gates, who shared how he got people to invest in him. Continue reading to learn what Bill Gates has to say about the importance of knowledge in business, especially as you seek to build credibility.

Scaling Strategies: 4 Ways to Help Your Idea or Business Succeed

Scaling Strategies: 4 Ways to Help Your Idea or Business Succeed

Have you ever had an idea with the potential to change your organization, your city, or even the world? How can you give it the best chance to succeed? In The Voltage Effect, economist and professor John A. List offers his advice for how to take things from the small scale to the big stage. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an activist, or anyone else with a brilliant idea, you can make use of his scaling strategies. Keep reading to find out how to help your idea succeed over time.

How to Understand Your Target Audience & Maintain Momentum

How to Understand Your Target Audience & Maintain Momentum

Is your target audience scalable? How can you make sure that it is? Just because your initial audience loves your idea, it doesn’t mean that a larger audience will feel the same way. John A. List provides advice on how to understand your target audience initially and as you grow so that you don’t lose momentum over time. Keep reading to learn how to scale your target audience.

The 4 Common Business Mistakes Executives Make

The 4 Common Business Mistakes Executives Make

What are the most common business mistakes executives make? How can you avoid these mistakes to achieve success? Some mistakes and misconceptions are common enough that Keith Cunningham’s book The Road Less Stupid takes the time to discuss them particularly. Note that, as used by Cunningham, the word “stupid” refers specifically to things that you do or accept even though you are smart enough to know better. Below we’ll examine these mistakes so you’ll be able to spot and avoid them.

How to Build a Customer-Focused Company & Stand Out

How to Get Customers and Grow Your Business

Why is it important to focus on customers in business? How can you differentiate from your competitors in the market? Your customers should be the main focus of your company. They’re the people giving you profit, so you should cater to their needs. That being said, you should also find your niche that shows your customers you stand out from competitors. Here’s why you need to focus on creating a customer-focused company that values relationships with consumers.

How to Avoid Mistakes at Work: Take Thinking Sessions

How to Avoid Mistakes at Work: Take Thinking Sessions

Are you a leader that people depend on? How can you avoid mistakes at work? Mistakes are bound to happen in the workplace, but the great thing is that you can learn from them. Keith Cunningham’s book The Road Less Stupid says that you’ll be able to avoid making the same mistakes twice if you take the time to think about your decisions before making them. Continue reading to learn how to avoid mistakes at work.

The Top 4 Problem-Solving Tools to Keep Under Your Belt 

The Top 4 Problem-Solving Tools to Keep Under Your Belt 

Are you trying to find a solution to a dire issue? What are the best problem-solving tools to use? Problem-solving is something you do every day, whether you notice it or not. Whether you have a broken coffee machine or you’re trying to beat out the competition in the market, there’s always an issue in need of fixing.  We’ll first look at the five steps to problem-solving and then explore problem-solving tools to make the process easier.

How to Create a Business Strategy in 3 Forward-Thinking Steps

Companies With Successful Business Strategies

Does your business have an innovation roadmap? Do you have a growth target and a plan to reach it? In Lead From the Future, business strategists Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz walk you through the creation of your business’s vision. Then, they provide three steps to convert that vision into a strategy that will bring your vision to life. Read more to learn how to create a business strategy with Johnson and Suskewicz’s advice.

How to Implement a Business Strategy & Realize Your Vision

How to Implement a Business Strategy & Realize Your Vision

How should senior leadership be involved in innovation projects? How should you handle integrating new initiatives into your core business? In Lead From the Future, business strategists Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz explore the steps of future-back thinking (visionary planning). They show how you can adopt the process to improve outcomes for your business. Keep reading for Johnson and Suskewicz’s advice on how to implement a business strategy with an eye always on the future.

How to Create a Vision for Your Business in 3 Clear Steps

How to Create a Vision for Your Business in 3 Clear Steps

What will your industry look like in 10 years? How will the market change? How might your company need to adjust to meet new demands in a different business landscape? Drawing on insights from their research and experience working with prominent companies, Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz provide a practical, three-stage framework that enables you to stay ahead of your competition and unlock new possibilities for your organization. The first stage is creating a vision. Read on to learn how to create a vision for your business with the three steps provided in Lead From the Future.