Black Holes, Explained: Unraveling the Mystery

Black Holes, Explained: Unraveling the Mystery

What is a black hole? How do black holes get formed? When was the first black hole discovered? A black hole is a point in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape it—even light—once it enters. Black holes are formed when massive stars exhaust their supply of hydrogen and nuclear fuel and begin to collapse in on themselves under gravity. Learn the basics of blackholes, explained in simple terms.

Rationality vs Intelligence: Making the Right Choices

rational thought

What is rationality vs intelligence? How can using rationality help build antifragility? When it comes to rationality vs intelligence, rationality leads to better decisions and outcomes. Anyone can become rational if they develop the ability to choose the best option at any given time. Read more about rationality vs intelligence and its relationship to antifragility.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Education Is About Growth

Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Education Is About Growth

What was Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s education like? How did he focus his time and how did he develop the idea of antifragility? For Nassim Nicholas Taleb, education was an opportunity to study things that interested him, and learn as much as possible. Through his education, Taleb preferred to spent his energy studying things that interested him. Read more about Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s education below.

Resilience in Learning: Creating Antifragile Students

Resilience in Learning: Creating Antifragile Students

What is resilience in learning? Why is it so important to develop resilience and antifragility in learning? Resilience in learning has become one of the focal points of how we look at education. It’s important for students to try and fail, get messy, and maintain their curiosity. That’s how they develop antifragile systems for themselves. Read more about resilience in learning and why it matters.

How to Be Antifragile: Start With Understanding

How to Be Antifragile: Start With Understanding

Do you want to know how to be antifragile? How can you start building antifragility? In order to know how to be antifragile, you first need to understand what antifragility is and where it comes from. Since there’s no specific word in English for what antifragility actually is, you’ll have to open your mind and try to understand something totally new. Read more about understanding antifragility and how to be antifragile.

Epiphenomena: Definition, Examples, and More

Epiphenomena: Definition, Examples, and More

What’s the definition of epiphenomena? Does it explain the difference between causation and correlation or cause and effect? Epiphenomena by definition is the incorrect belief that one thing causes another. While there is such a thing as cause and effect, people often create links between events when there are none, or believe that correlation is the same as causation. Read more about epiphenomena, it’s definition, and more.

The Feynman Technique: How to Learn Faster

The Feynman Technique: How to Learn Faster

What is the Feynman Technique? When is the best time to use Feynman’s method? The Feynman Technique was inspired by Dr. Richard Feynman as a method to develop a deeper knowledge of any subject. This method is especially helpful for overcoming the illusion that you know something better than you actually do. Continue on to learn more about the Feynman Technique and how to use it.

Metalearning: Learning How to Study Properly

Metalearning: Learning How to Study Properly

Why should you learn how to study before you start studying? What benefits can metalearning have? Metalearning, or learning how to study, is the process of building a learning roadmap so you don’t go into a new subject blind. When you fully understand what you need to learn and how, you accelerate the study process. Keep reading to find out why you should learn how to study properly rather than jumping in unprepared.

Education and the Economy: The Real Connection

Education and the Economy: The Real Connection

What do education and the economy have to do with each other? Is it true that widespread formal education increases wealth and opportunity? In Antifragile, Taleb argues that our belief that education leads to economic prosperity is false. Instead, he says that wealthy countries invest in education, and we confused this for the cause of the economic wealth. Keep reading to find out why the relationship between education and the economy are not what you think.

How to Develop Intuition: 4 Rules for Deeper Learning

How to Develop Intuition: 4 Rules for Deeper Learning

Do you want to deepen your level of understanding of a subject enough to develop intuition? What are the four rules for developing deeper knowledge? Fixating on surface-level aspects of a subject or skill won’t allow you to have a complete understanding of it. But if you follow these four rules then you will be able to delve so deep into a subject that the knowledge turns into intuition. Continue on to learn how to develop intuition.