How Intellectual Pursuits Help Us Satisfy Our Highest Desires

How Intellectual Pursuits Help Us Satisfy Our Highest Desires

Would you like to be more open-minded and objective? Do you value truth above all? In The Second Mountain, David Brooks argues that the relationalist approach (the “second mountain” he endorses) requires a commitment to the intellectual life. It’s the pathway, he says, to our highest desires. Continue reading to learn how intellectual pursuits lead you upward and onward.

Why We Should Embrace Language Innovation (Steven Pinker)

Why We Should Embrace Language Innovation (Steven Pinker)

Do you ever use the word “hangry”? Do you think you should or shouldn’t? Do you take a functional or a purist approach to language? In The Language Instinct, experimental psychologist Steven Pinker argues that language is an innate, biological ability in humans—not just an element of human culture that gets passed from person to person. His theory explains his openness to language innovation. Continue reading to discover why, according to Pinker, we shouldn’t be afraid to toss out arbitrary grammar conventions.

Keep Learning, Keep Growing: 3 Ways to Become a Lifelong Learner

Keep Learning, Keep Growing: 3 Ways to Become a Lifelong Learner

What’s the arrival fallacy? Do you have a mentor? What are you learning right now? No matter how successful you become, it’s vital to never stop growing—which requires a lifelong commitment to learning from your experiences. John C. Maxwell explains why continual learning optimizes growth, and he shares strategies to maximize learning and growth throughout your life. Continue reading to discover how to keep learning, keep growing, and become the person you dream of being.

Richard Feynman’s Education: From MIT to Princeton

Richard Feynman’s Education: From MIT to Princeton

How did Richard Feynman feel when Einstein attended one of his lectures? Why did an army general recruit Feynman when he was working on his doctorate? In his memoir Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!, Richard Feynman recounts his years in school at MIT and Princeton, comparing and contrasting the two environments. He also explains how WWII shaped the start of his career. Keep reading to learn about Richard Feynman’s education.

The 4 Poverty Alleviation Programs That Need More Attention

The 4 Poverty Alleviation Programs That Need More Attention

How does poverty affect one’s cognitive functioning? What are the psychological consequences of never having enough money? Poverty takes a huge toll on one’s cognitive capacity. Poor people are so preoccupied with stretching their money that they don’t have any mental bandwidth to focus on anything else. The cognitive effects of poverty should be tackled on the institutional level. Here are some recommended poverty alleviation programs from Scarcity.

Richard Feynman at Caltech & the Path to His Academic Home

Richard Feynman at Caltech & the Path to His Academic Home

What did Richard Feynman do before he taught at Caltech? Why was Caltech such a good fit for him? For Richard Feynman, Caltech was home—academically speaking. His career took a few turns before he settled in at Caltech. And, he grew in his understanding of what it meant—for him—to be a teacher. He tells the story in his memoir Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! Continue reading to learn a bit about Feynman’s time at Caltech and the path he took to get there.

Richard Feynman: Teaching Is Good for the Teacher & the Student

The Importance of Studying Mythology and Folklore

What teaching practice horrified Richard Feynman? What shocked him about textbooks? While Richard Feynman injected his lifelong learning with a casual sense of fun and exploration, one thing he took very seriously was his role as a teacher. In his memoir Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman! he writes about his trials and triumphs in teaching. Keep reading to learn about Richard Feynman’s teaching experience and what it taught him.

Young Richard Feynman: A Toy Microscope & Trig for Fun

Young Richard Feynman: A Toy Microscope & Trig for Fun

What was Richard Feynman’s reputation when he was young? Why did he buy broken radios? Though Richard Feynman’s recollections in his memoir may seem to bounce from topic to topic at random, they all exemplify certain key values that underlie Feynman’s idiosyncratic personality. They emerge in his childhood, developing his reputation early on. Continue reading for an exploration of the young Richard Feynman.

ChatGPT and Education: The Benefits & Dangers Explained

ChatGPT and Education: The Benefits & Dangers Explained

How can ChatGPT and education work together? What are the potential benefits or dangers of AI tools to education? When it comes to ChatGPT and education, the biggest fear of educators is that it will kill critical thinking. While some believe AI software will jeopardize the thinking and writing skills of students, others are more optimistic, arguing that ChatGPT could be used in education as a learning tool. Read on to learn about the pros and cons of ChatGPT in education, based on the educators’ perspective.

What Is a Controlling Idea? Robert McKee’s Focus on Theme

What Is a Controlling Idea? Robert McKee’s Focus on Theme

What is a controlling idea? What role does it play in a story? How many should one story have? A controlling idea, Robert McKee argues, is the glue that holds a story together. In his book Story, he explains why it’s important and how it works. He also shows writers how to connect all of the scenes of a story to the controlling idea. Continue reading to learn what McKee teaches about this important aspect of a story.