Top 2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Problems Right Now

Top 2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Problems Right Now

What are the main electric vehicle (EV) problems currently? Are EVs reliable? Is it smart to purchase an EV right now? With big-brand car manufacturers, like Ford and Tesla, investing billions of dollars in new EV plants, it seems as if EVs are set to become our primary form of transportation. However, EVs are facing manufacturing and financial problems that could ultimately make them just a short-lived fad. Read on to learn the top two EV problems currently affecting the industry.

The Current Housing Market: Another Bubble?

The Current Housing Market: Another Bubble?

In what ways does the current housing market resemble the 2006 housing crisis? Are we headed towards a second housing bubble? As housing prices spike and rents soar, it’s starting to feel like it did back in 2006. Luckily, there are some major differences between the current housing market and that of the 2006 housing bubble. To name some: there’s a decrease in the availability of credit and the cause of the inflated prices is different. Below, we’ll take a look at the current real estate market and compare it to the 2006 housing bubble.

The Housing Shortage: Causes, Effects, & Outlook

The Housing Shortage: Causes, Effects, & Outlook

What factors are contributing to the housing shortage? Does it look like prices will go down, or are the high prices here to stay? How is it affecting renters? If you’ve looked into buying or selling a house recently, then you will have noticed the exorbitant prices of homes at the moment. Unlike the 2006 housing crisis, the high costs have a more complicated cause this time. Continue reading to learn what factors are causing the current housing shortage and if the prices will go back down.

Strategic Inflection Points: When Your Business Is in Crisis

Strategic Inflection Points: When Your Business Is in Crisis

What are strategic inflection points? Is your business facing such a crisis? Drawing on his experience as the CEO of Intel, Andrew Grove provides clear guidance on preparing for, identifying, and adapting to the kinds of upheavals that send less agile companies out of business. He calls these crises “strategic inflection points.” Keep reading to learn what strategic inflection points are and how to determine whether your business has reached one.

How Regressive Taxation Contributes to Inequality

How Regressive Taxation Contributes to Inequality

How does regressive taxation contribute to economic inequality? Why do the rich pay less than their fair share of taxes? Regressive taxation is why America lacks funding for social initiatives and is riddled with economic inequality. The wealthiest people and corporations can avoid paying their fair share of taxes, so the bulk of public funds is pulled from the pockets of modest families. Keep reading to learn about the origins of regressive taxation and how it contributes to economic inequality.

Why Don’t Rich People Pay Taxes?

How Economic Outpatient Care Leads to UAW Children

Why don’t rich people pay taxes? Is the American taxation regressive or progressive? In the U.S., most of the tax burden is borne by low- and middle-income earners. The reason for this is that American taxation is regressive, pulling the bulk of public funds from taxes that come from regular families while a large portion of American wealth remains in the pockets of the ultra-wealthy. Here’s why the ultra-rich pay less in taxes.

Why Is the Black Poverty Rate in America So High?

Why Is the Black Poverty Rate in America So High?

Why is the Black poverty rate so high in America? Why is the racial wealth gap so hard to close? For the majority of Americans, wealth is something that’s accumulated across generations through inheritance. But Black Americans have historically been left with little to no inheritance, making it much harder for them to gain success and wealth compared to white Americans. Keep reading to learn about the causes of Black poverty in America.

List of Basic Economic Terms and Definitions to Know

List of Basic Economic Terms and Definitions to Know

What are some basic economic terms you should know? How does Thomas Piketty define them? Before discussing income and wealth inequality in-depth, Thomas Piketty establishes the broader intellectual framework that supports his analysis in Capital in the Twenty-First Century. He does this by defining some key economic terms. Read more for a list of basic economic terms and definitions you should know.