The Globalization of Supply Chains: Who Benefits?

The Globalization of Supply Chains: Who Benefits?

Are international supply chains good or bad? What risks are involved? Who benefits? In the 21st Century, free markets reign supreme, global trade is the centerpiece of economies, and people have access to more information and are more connected than ever before. A few collaborative business practices—including international supply chains—accelerated globalization. Keep reading to understand the globalization of supply chains, as explained by Thomas L. Friedman in his book The World Is Flat, and see why they’re a mixed bag.

Understanding Poverty on a Psychological Level

Understanding Poverty on a Psychological Level

How can we better understand poverty? What is the mindset you should adopt to reduce poverty? Many people misunderstand the nature of poverty, thinking it’s just a lack of resources when it’s actually a psychological issue. In When Helping Hurts, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert observe that this misunderstanding is compounded by a belief that we’re better than the people we’re trying to help. Check out Corbett and Fikkert’s general advice on developing the right mindset to understand poverty.

What Is Material Poverty & Why Is It Hard to Escape?

Why Socioeconomic Status and Depression Are Linked

What is material poverty? Why is material poverty so hard to overcome? In When Helping Hurts, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert assert that people get trapped in material poverty because they develop a negative worldview that leads to bad decisions. Broken systems also don’t help them escape this cycle. Keep reading to learn why this type of poverty attracts the most vulnerable people.

What Are the Main Causes of Poverty? A Christian View

What Are the Main Causes of Poverty? A Christian View

What are the main causes of poverty? How do your relationships affect your financial mindset? Despite poverty’s complexity, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert (the authors of When Helping Hurts) argue that we can trace all of its components back to one source. This source is a breakdown of a person’s relationships with God, self, others, and the rest of creation. Let’s look at how these four relationships can cause poverty, according to Corbett and Fikkert.

The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman: Book Overview & Lessons

The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman: Book Overview & Lessons

What’s globalization? Is it good or bad? What can we do to benefit from it? The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman examines the causes, effects, and potential future of a globalized world. He argues that globalization is ultimately a good thing, and he offers recommendations on how governments and individuals can thrive even amid globalization’s challenges. Continue reading for an overview of this thought-provoking book.

What Are NFTs and How Do They Work?

What Are NFTs and How Do They Work?

What are NFTs and how do they work? What makes NFTs so valuable? How can a piece of art that can be screenshotted and viewed online for free now sell for millions? And, finally, are NFTs here to stay, or are they just another bubble waiting to burst? If you are interested in learning about NFTs (non-fungible tokens), but struggle to get your head around what NFTs are and how they work, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Many people are baffled by the NFTs and their insane valuations, some breaking hundreds of millions of dollars. 

The Global Distribution of Wealth: Good News or Bad News?

The Global Distribution of Wealth: Good News or Bad News?

What is the status of—and the outlook for—the global distribution of wealth? Are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer? Steven Pinker wants to set the record straight on wealth and inequality in the world. He presents compelling data regarding inequality, poverty, and social spending that might come as a surprise to many. Continue reading to learn Pinker’s argument and for a brief discussion of the prospect of a Universal Basic Income.

Peter Lynch: Investing Isn’t as Hard as It’s Made Out to Be

Peter Lynch: Investing Isn’t as Hard as It’s Made Out to Be

Have you always wanted to invest in the stock market but felt too uninformed or inexperienced to do so? Do you really need financial expertise to be a successful investor? According to Peter Lynch, investing is not as complicated as it is made out to be. Everyone not only has all the tools they need to become a savvy investor, but they actually have a better chance of investing successfully than professionals and firms. Here’s why you have a better chance of success investing independently.

6 Stock Market Rules for Independent Investors

6 Stock Market Rules for Independent Investors

Are you an independent investor? What are some things you can do to increase your investment earnings? According to former mutual fund manager Peter Lynch, you have a better chance of success investing independently than through professionals and firms. If you choose to invest independently, however, you must be aware of certain key rules. Here are six stock market rules for independent investors.

Extractive Political Institutions: How & Why They Exist

Extractive Political Institutions: How & Why They Exist

What are extractive political institutions? How do they come into power? What makes a nation extractive? According to the book Why Nations Fail, political institutions determine how a nation creates the rules that citizens live under. Whether a country adopts extractive or inclusive institutions also determines who wields power in society and how they wield it. Read on to learn how and why extractive political institutions are created, according to Why Nations Fail.