GDP and Standard of Living: Are They Even Related?

GDP and Standard of Living: Are They Even Related?

How accurately does national GDP reflect a country’s quality of life? What are the flaws with benchmarking a national standard of living against GDP? Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is commonly used as an indicator of a national standard of living. However, this is not necessarily the case. According to Vaclav Smil, the author of Numbers Don’t Lie, there are several reasons why we shouldn’t use GDP as a measure of a country’s quality of life. Here’s a look at GDP and standard of living.

Why Is Big Tech Bad? The 5 Ways It Harms Society

Why Is Big Tech Bad? The 5 Ways It Harms Society

Why is Big Tech bad? How, exactly, do these companies harm society? Scott Galloway identifies five ways in which the Four (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google) have negatively impacted society. He discusses job destruction; prioritizing profit over privacy, national security, and democracy; tax avoidance; elimination of competition; and contributing to the decline of the middle class. Read more to learn how Big Tech companies inflict damage in their fight for market dominance.

Questioning the Validity of the World Happiness Report

Questioning the Validity of the World Happiness Report

What is the World Happiness Report? How accurately do the WHR rankings reflect national standards of living? The World Happiness Report aims to rank national happiness based on respondents’ answers about their quality of life. According to Vaclav Smil, the author of Numbers Don’t Life, we shouldn’t take the survey’s results at face value. Here’s why the World Happiness Report isn’t fully accurate.

Numbers Don’t Lie: Book Overview (Vaclav Smil)

Numbers Don’t Lie: Book Overview (Vaclav Smil)

What is Vaclav Smil’s Numbers Don’t Lie about? What is the key message to take away from the book? In his book Numbers Don’t Lie, Canadian scientist and economist Vaclav Smil wants to help you understand the world by understanding numbers and statistics. Numbers can help you see the world more clearly, but only if you know what they’re actually saying. Below is a brief overview of Vaclav Smil’s Numbers Don’t Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World.

It’s Time to Break Up Big Tech: Here’s How to Do It

It’s Time to Break Up Big Tech: Here’s How to Do It

Are Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google monopolies? How can competition be encouraged? In The Four, entrepreneur and marketing professor Scott Galloway takes a close look at four technology companies that dominate the modern marketplace: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google (the “Four”). He makes the case that it’s time for the law to treat them as monopolies. Keep reading for Galloway’s idea on how to break up Big Tech.

Putting the Challenge of Carbon Reduction Into Perspective

Putting the Challenge of Carbon Reduction Into Perspective

Is it possible to lower CO2 emissions to a safe level? How long do we have left until climate change is irreversible? Carbon reduction is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. According to Vaclav Smil, the author of Numbers Don’t Lie, the prospects of succeeding at this endeavor are not currently looking bright. Here’s why significantly curbing carbon emissions is nearly impossible, according to Smil.

Understanding the Environmental Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizers

Understanding the Environmental Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizers

What role does nitrogen play in crop production? How do nitrogen fertilizers harm the environment? Crops need nitrogen, and the ways farmers supplied nitrogen to crops (e.g. recycling organic materials) are no longer adequate as the global population rises. To provide nitrogen to crops, we synthesize almost 150 million tons of ammonium a year to make fertilizers, a process that’s environmentally harmful. Keep reading to learn about the environmental impact of nitrogen fertilizers.

What Is the Most Accurate Quality of Life Indicator?

What Is the Most Accurate Quality of Life Indicator?

What is the best measure of a country’s standard of living? What is the problem with using GDP per capita as a quality of life indicator? According to Vaclav Smil, the author of Numbers Don’t Lie, the most important measure of the quality of life in a country is not GDP per capita, as many people believe. It’s the infant mortality rate. Here’s why infant mortality more accurately reflects the standard of living.

Averting Climate Change: Technology Won’t Save Us!

Averting Climate Change: Technology Won’t Save Us!

Can technology avert climate change? What are some potential technological solutions to climate change? According to Vaclav Smil, the author of Numbers Don’t Lie, we rely too much on technology to save us from climate change. Environmental destruction—which is what drives climate change—is happening at a faster rate than technology advances. Here’s why technology won’t save us, as many people falsely believe.

Job Elimination in Big Tech (Amazon, Facebook, & Google)

Job Elimination in Big Tech (Amazon, Facebook, & Google)

What effect do Amazon’s automated processes have on jobs? How are Facebook and Google eliminating jobs? The products and services from Amazon, Facebook, and Google fulfill some of our deepest human needs. However, they’re taking away our livelihoods, says Scott Galloway. He argues that these companies destroy more jobs than they create. Keep reading to learn how job elimination in their own and their competitors’ workplaces is caused by Amazon’s emphasis on automation and Facebook and Google’s massive advertising capabilities.