Special-Situation Investing: 3 Tips for Finding Good Stocks

Wealth Building and the Power of Compounding

How do you find undervalued stocks? Can special-situation investing make a profit? Special-situation investing is a method for finding stocks selling significantly beneath their actual market value, and it can help you make a profit. To use this method, you’ll need to learn how to research stocks independently from financial analysts and focus on your investments rather than diversifying. Learn how to find undervalued stocks with this advice from hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt.

Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas—Simplified

Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas—Simplified

What is Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas? How can you use Lean Canvas to improve your business? Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas is a business modeling tool used to develop flexible, adaptive businesses that respond to customer needs as they grow. By learning how to use Lean Canvas, you can support your business’s growth. Read on to learn more about how to use Ash Maurya’s Lean Canvas and see Lean Canvas explained in detail.

The 9 Essential Components of a Business Model

The 9 Essential Components of a Business Model

What does it take to build a business model that works? What are all the components of a business model? The nine components of a business model described by Ash Maurya in Running Lean cover the essentials for a business that is adaptive, flexible, and sustainable. These include defining customer groups, getting to know your customer group’s needs and desired solutions, and more. Learn more about the nine elements of a business model that are necessary for success.

The 3 Ethical Concerns of AI That Will Make Life Harder

The 3 Ethical Concerns of AI That Will Make Life Harder

What are the top ethical concerns of AI? How will AI make life challenging? According to Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark, it’s likely that rapid AI advancements will create numerous challenges that we as a society need to manage. People should mostly be concerned with economic inequality, outdated laws, and AI-enhanced weaponry. Keep reading to learn about the ethical concerns of AI.

How to Understand Customer Needs Using Interviews & Testing

How to Understand Customer Needs Using Interviews & Testing

What are the best strategies for understanding customer needs? When thinking about how to understand customer needs, what should you consider? Whether entering a new market or adapting to a changing one, knowing how to understand customer needs is critical for business success. The better you know the needs of your customers, the better your product or service will be. Learn more about how to get to know your customers better with these insights from entrepreneurial expert Ash Maurya, author of Running Lean.

What’s Causing the US National Credit Card Debt Crisis?

What’s Causing the US National Credit Card Debt Crisis?

What’s behind rising credit card debt in the US? What are its impacts? What can be done to address the crisis? US Credit card debt has surged to over $1 trillion for the first time, signaling financial distress for many Americans. Persistently high inflation paired with rising interest rates are making credit card debt increasingly unmanageable and putting financially vulnerable Americans at greater risk. Here’s what’s causing the national credit card debt crisis, and how you can avoid and pay off your debt.

What Are the Risks of Bonds? 2 Reasons Why You Should Be Wary

What Are the Risks of Bonds? 2 Reasons Why You Should Be Wary

What are the risks of bonds? Do they carry more or less risk than stocks? Many investors think that bonds are less risky than stocks. However, in his book Beating the Street, famed mutual fund manager Peter Lynch explains that bonds offer poorer returns than stocks over the long haul. Read more to understand the basics of how bonds work and two of the primary risks that come with investing in them.

Are Stocks Better Than Bonds? Why Peter Lynch Says “Yes”

Are Stocks Better Than Bonds? Why Peter Lynch Says “Yes”

Are stocks better than bonds? Which investment carries a greater risk? Despite their reputation as a riskier and more volatile investment, stocks have significantly outperformed bonds over the long term. Peter Lynch explains how bonds work and details some of the main risks that come from investing in them. Then he outlines why he promotes stocks as a superior investment. Keep reading to understand Lynch’s argument and to get a different perspective from Vanguard founder John Bogle.

3 Types of Index Funds: Where Do You Want to Put Your Money?

3 Types of Index Funds: Where Do You Want to Put Your Money?

Do you prefer to own stocks in particular industries? Are you interested in funds that trade only in North American stocks? Peter Lynch advises that there are many different types of index funds that track different segments of the financial market, depending on where an investor wants to put their money. He explains market cap funds, sector-based funds, and regional funds. Keep reading to learn about these three types of index funds and see what might work best in your portfolio.