How Women Can Communicate Better at Work: 3 Strategies

Two women communicating in the workplace

What’s the difference between women communicating and men communicating at work? How can you show more confidence in your communication style as a woman? An important aspect of being a successful woman in the workplace is being an effective communicator. Jemma Roedel says this is because men and women communicate in different ways. Let’s look at how women can improve their communication skills at work.

5 Anti-Charisma Cues to Avoid (Vanessa Van Edwards)

An annoyed man wearing a denim buttoned shirt and crossing his arms illustrates nonverbal cues associated with anti-charisma

Do you have charisma—or anti-charisma? What subtle cues might be sabotaging your charm without you even realizing it? In Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication, Vanessa Van Edwards lays out the concept of anti-charisma. She identifies several verbal and nonverbal signals that can undermine your charm and offers practical alternatives to enhance your presence. Keep reading to explore the world of anti-charisma and discover how to become a more magnetic communicator.

How Charismatic Are You? Find Yourself on the Charisma Spectrum

A man resting his chin in his hand and looking upward is thinking about the question, "How charismatic are you?"

How charismatic are you? Can you tell when someone else is charismatic? Charisma is a fascinating blend of warmth and competence. It’s a quality that can be measured and improved. In her book Cues, Vanessa Van Edwards explores this concept in depth, offering insights into how we judge others and project our own charisma. Read on to understand Van Edwards’s charisma spectrum and discover where you might fall on it.

The Love Prescription: Book Overview (John & Julie Gottman)

A woman with a ponytail and sweater sitting in a chair at home reading a book with plants and shelves in the background

Is the spark in your relationship still alive? What small changes could make a big difference in your love life? The Love Prescription, a book by relationship experts and married couple Julie Schwartz Gottman and John Gottman, reveals how daily acts of kindness and connection can transform your partnership. Their seven-day plan offers practical tips to help couples thrive. Continue reading to learn the Gottmans’ advice for lasting love.

3 Great Customer Service Tips Every Business Should Follow

An employee using great customer service tips by walking with a customer through an aisle of a grocery store

Are you having trouble figuring out what the customer wants? Do you need tips for good customer service? Exceptional customer service is so crucial for business success. In Excellence Wins, Horst Schulze examines some specific tips that all employees can follow to deliver world-class service experiences. Let’s look at Schulze’s great customer service tips below.

How to Deal With Customer Complaints: Make It a Chance to Grow

A businessman listening to an upset customer in a meeting room, demonstrating how to deal with customer complaints

How do you handle customer complaints? What’s the upside of receiving complaints? Complaints could mean there’s something wrong with your product or service, but it’s also an opportunity to learn and grow. By handling customer complaints, you can show that you’re willing to change to help solve their problem. Check out how to deal with customer complaints without dismissing them.

Six-Minute X-Ray by Chase Hughes: Book Overview

A woman reading a book wearing a white sweater

Have you ever wished you could learn everything about someone simply by looking at them? What’s Six-Minute X-Ray by Chase Hughes about?  In Six-Minute X-Ray, behavior analyst Chase Hughes says that you can learn everything about a person without talking to them. His Six-Minute X-Ray (SMX) system allows you to rapidly gain deep insight into who someone really is, based on their behavior, speech, and mannerisms. Read below for a brief overview of Six-Minute X-Ray.

How to Appreciate Your Partner Through Positivity & Compliments

A man putting his arms around a woman and kissing her on the cheek illustrates how to appreciate your partner

How can you strengthen your relationship through appreciation? What role does negativity bias play in our partnerships? Relationship researchers Julie Schwartz Gottman and John Gottman have found that successful couples excel at noticing and acknowledging kind deeds, rather than simply performing more of them. They discuss showing appreciation by being more positive and complimentary. Continue reading to learn how to appreciate your partner in meaningful ways.

What Are Human Social Needs & How Can You Identify Them?

Three people fulfilling human social needs while socializing at an event with drinks in their hands

What are the social needs that every human has? How can you use these social needs as a way to influence people? Identifying human social needs is a key part of Chase Hughes’ strategy for building a person’s behavior profile. Once you know what these needs are, you can use this knowledge as an influential tool.  Continue reading to identify and manipulate human social needs.