Managing Emotions in Communication: 4 Ways to Keep Your Cool

Managing Emotions in Communication: 4 Ways to Keep Your Cool

Do you tend to raise your voice or stop listening when you get frustrated? When you’re angry, do all of the right words come out in the right order? Emotions are a huge part of life. So is communication. When emotions and communication come together, the message often gets lost. That’s why James Williams identifies emotional control as a core communication skill. Continue reading to learn how to effectively handle emotions in communication.

Why a Culture of Candor Is Essential for Businesses

Why a Culture of Candor Is Essential for Businesses

Why is candor important in organizations? How can you establish a culture of candor? Some businesses suffer from miscommunication because employees are too afraid to speak their minds. When candor is encouraged in organizations, people bounce ideas off each other and discuss potential issues that need to be solved. Continue reading for more reasons why a culture of candor is essential for every organization.

Presence by Amy Cuddy: Book Overview and Takeaways

Presence by Amy Cuddy: Book Overview and Takeaways

Do you tend to feel anxious about new situations or performances? Do power poses actually work? How can body language change the tone of a conversation? Perhaps you’ve tried giving yourself a pep talk before an event, but you still didn’t quite feel like you put your best self forward. In Presence, Amy Cuddy says that embodying “presence” allows you to be your true self without thoughts of self-doubt. Read below for an overview of Presence by Amy Cuddy.

How to Listen to People in a Way That Helps Them Think

How to Listen to People in a Way That Helps Them Think

Would others say that you’re a good conversation partner? Do you hear people out and give them space to think? Good thinking comes from good listening. That’s the view of Nancy Kline—a teacher, a researcher, and the author of Time to Think. She asserts that you can help people think through things by listening attentively for as long as they need, showing that you’re paying attention, and letting them express their emotions. Read more for Kline’s advice on how to listen to people in a way that helps them think.

5 Qualities of a Good Parent That Help Children Grow

5 Qualities of a Good Parent That Help Children Grow

What do all outstanding parents have in common? What qualities of a good parent are essential for children’s development? If you’re a new parent, you might feel terrified that you’re going to fail your child. Making mistakes is part of the process, but, if you possess these five qualities, then your child will be more likely to grow up healthy and happy. Let’s look at the five qualities of a good parent and how to exhibit them in your everyday life. 

Amy Cuddy: Body Language That Exudes Friendliness

Amy Cuddy: Body Language That Exudes Friendliness

What should you take away from Amy Cuddy’s body language advice? What type of body language should you avoid using in stressful situations? In her book Presence, Amy Cuddy recommends avoiding overtly powerful body language while interacting with others. Instead, you should adopt subtle and friendly body language that makes everyone comfortable. Discover more about body language that you should use in social situations.

Nancy Kline’s Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind

Nancy Kline’s Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind

Do certain people help you think through things more thoroughly and accurately? Do you feel more creative and productive in particular environments? Nancy Kline’s Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind explains that what and how we think determines everything we do and say. Kline argues that, when people listen to us well, they help us think more effectively. Continue reading for an overview of this book that takes a novel approach to both thinking and listening.

What Are Incisive Questions, and Why Should You Ask Them?

What Are Incisive Questions, and Why Should You Ask Them?

How can you help someone overcome an assumption that limits their thought and action? What role does your silence play in the process? Nancy Kline asserts that the key to evoking high-quality thinking in others is to listen to them well. She provides a step-by-step process for conducting a productive conversation, or a thinking session, which maximizes the quality of both listening and thinking. Let’s take a close look at Step 4 in the process: Ask an incisive question.

How to Create a Thinking Partnership: The 6-Step Session

How to Create a Thinking Partnership: The 6-Step Session

Do you have a thinking partner? How does a thinking partnership work? In her book Time to Think, Nancy Kline presents a step-by-step process for taking on the role of the listener to help someone else engage in higher-quality thinking. The exciting result is the generation and sharing of great ideas that lead to powerful action. Keep reading to learn how to create a thinking partnership by using Kline’s six-step thinking session format.

5 Time to Think Quotes: Nancy Kline’s Key Insights (+ Context)

5 Time to Think Quotes: Nancy Kline’s Key Insights (+ Context)

What surprising insight did Nancy Kline find during her research on students? How does listening to someone help them think? What and how we think determines everything we do. Nancy Kline asserts that the quality of our thinking is determined by how well we listen to each other. She shares a six-step process for listening to someone to help them engage in higher-quality thinking, resulting in great ideas that lead to powerful action. Read more for five Time to Think quotes that will give you a taste of the book’s concepts.