When was the last time you met someone new? Did you feel confident and equipped to make conversation and create a connection? Bestselling author James Williams explains that effective communicators must establish connections with others. This is because, as factors in your life change—such as your job or where you live—you’ll be forced to meet new people and build new relationships. Keep reading to learn how to connect with others in a way that lays a strong foundation to build on.
Influential Leadership Skills That Will Move Others
What skills do influential leaders possess? How do you use an influential team member to help your company? Influential leaders are those who can get others on board with their ideas. In their book Strengths Based Leadership, Tom Rath and Barry Conchie give advice for people who are highly influential in the workplace, including leaders and employees. Read below to learn more about influential leadership skills.
5 Accountability Exercises: Solve Issues & Preserve Relationships
Are any of your relationships strained because of an unresolved issue? Are you afraid that, if you address the issue, the relationship will be further damaged? Accountability conversations are the discussions we have when someone breaks a promise, violates a commitment, behaves badly, or fails to meet our expectations. In Crucial Accountability, communication and management experts explain how we can have these conversations in a way that resolves the issues while preserving the relationships. Read more for five accountability exercises that will help you implement the ideas in this universally relevant book.
How to Communicate Clearly: 3 Quick Tips for Accuracy
Do you tend to talk around your message rather than hit the nail on the head? Can you tell whether someone is tracking with you when you’re talking? James Williams explains that expressing yourself accurately and clearly is crucial. If you don’t, the other person will likely misunderstand you, and you’ll fail to achieve your goal for the conversation. He offers three tips for staying clear and on point. Read more to learn how to communicate clearly and get an accurate message across that’s likely to be understood.
How to Bargain With Information & the Ackerman Model
Are you well prepared for a negotiation? How do you make a good bargain that benefits both you and your opponent? When you’re face-to-face at the negotiating table, you want to strike the best possible deal. Experts have great advice on how to take advantage of new information and how to use the Ackerman model to craft your offer. Learn how to bargain by getting all the information you need to master the Ackerman model.
4 Core Communication Skills + Tips for Making Them Your Own
Do you have a reputation as a good listener? Does it feel like you have to repeat yourself a lot? Do you get easily triggered, or do you seem to set other people off emotionally? Communicating effectively with others is a crucial skill—it’s how we build and maintain relationships, solve problems, and accomplish tasks. However, James Williams explains that good communication skills don’t come naturally—instead, they’re built up over time through intentional practice. Keep reading to learn about four core communication skills and how to practice them in your everyday life.
How to Resolve Misunderstandings in Communication
Does “That’s not what I said” sound familiar? How often do you say it or hear it? No matter how careful you are with expressing yourself and listening to others, misunderstandings are bound to happen. Extend some grace to yourself and others, and develop a few skills that can help clear things up and smooth things over. Continue reading to learn how to resolve misunderstandings in communication.
Preparing to Negotiate: 4 Things to Check Off Your List
What are the best ways to prepare to negotiate? What factors should you consider before entering a negotiation? Experts agree that preparing to negotiate is essential. We’ll cover the main ways to prepare for a successful negotiation—by preparing for the worst, planning your moves and countermoves in advance, determining your boundaries for the negotiation, and understanding what kind of negotiator you’re going up against. Take your negotiation preparation tactics to the next level below.
Effective Feedback Discussions: 4 Ways to Avoid Defensiveness
Does feedback tend to bounce off your walls of defense? Do you shy away from giving feedback to others because of how they might react? Feedback can be gold. But, regardless of its value, it’s an inescapable part of life. So, it’s wise to learn how to give it, receive it, and respond to it well. In Communication Skills Training, James Williams shares advice on how to make the most of conversations that entail feedback. Read more to get four recommendations for breaking through defensiveness in order to have a constructive feedback discussion with anyone.
How to Prepare a Speech & Deliver It in 4 Simple Steps
Have you been asked to speak in front of a group? Where should you start? Whether you’re in school or on the job, you’re likely to be called upon to make a presentation. You might be asked to make a toast at a wedding or a eulogy at a memorial service. Opportunities for public speaking abound, and having the skills to prepare and deliver a talk can set you apart and put you ahead. Keep reading to learn how to prepare a speech and deliver it.