Why Do People Read Fiction? 2 Things They Want From a Story

Why Do People Read Fiction? 2 Things They Want From a Story

Why do people read fiction? What do audiences want writers to give them? If you’re a writer of fiction or an aspiring story writer, it’s important that you know what readers are looking for when they pick up a story to read. They want to feel something, and they want to understand life better. Continue reading to learn about these two elements that fiction readers hope to find in each story.

How to Write the Theme of a Story: Tips From King, McKee, & More

How to Write the Theme of a Story: Tips From King, McKee, & More

How can your story’s theme inspire you as you write? At what point in the writing process should you select a theme? A good story is more than just a series of events. A story should be about something, and you develop that element as the story unfolds. We’ve put together several insights and pieces of advice from story-writing experts Stephen King, Rob Biesenbach, Lisa Cron, Joseph Campbell, and Robert McKee. Read more to learn how to write the theme of a story in a way that inspires you as well as your readers.

Female Networking: Why and How Women Should Do It

Female Networking: Why and How Women Should Do It

What are the benefits of female networking? How can women build a business network? How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith explains that women tend to excel at building social networks but may struggle to make effective use of them. This is because using contacts to advance their careers and asking others for help makes women feel manipulative and selfish. Continue reading to learn why women need to take advantage of networking, and how they can make connections.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Put Yourself First

How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Put Yourself First

How do you set healthy boundaries? What type of boundaries do you want to set? Not Nice by Aziz Gazipura says that your internal feelings (your likes, dislikes, opinions, and intuition) inform your boundaries. Therefore, establishing boundaries begins with knowing yourself better, starting with what you want. Learn how to set healthy boundaries and prioritize your own wants and needs.

The 3 Basic Elements of a Story: Insights From Storytelling Experts

The 3 Basic Elements of a Story: Insights From Storytelling Experts

What do you want to be sure to include in every story you write? What are the essential ingredients that help make a story coherent and compelling? According to storytelling experts, readers want two things: an emotional impact and a truth about life. If you want to satisfy these desires, the experts agree that your story needs three basic elements: a realistic and relatable protagonist, a goal that’s blocked by obstacles, and a big-picture theme. Continue reading to find out what the experts have to say about each of these basic elements of a story.

How to Find Story Ideas: Tapping Into Big Magic, Others, & Yourself

How to Find Story Ideas: Tapping Into Big Magic, Others, & Yourself

What does it mean to “write what you know”? Do you make the most of serendipity? Before you can sit down and write a story, you have to figure out what to write about. Coming up with story ideas can be hard. But, ideas are out there; you just need to know where they can be found and be sure to notice them. We’ve collected tips from several storytelling experts on how to find story ideas. Read on to get advice from Rob Biesenbach, Stephen King, and Elizabeth Gilbert.

How to Start Writing a Story: Mindset & Drafting Tips From Experts

How to Start Writing a Story: Mindset & Drafting Tips From Experts

Do you have a great idea for a story and wonder how to actually get something down on paper? Where should your mindset be? Should you map out the plot first? When you’re ready to write the first draft of your story, you’ll likely benefit from the wisdom of some experts in the field. We’ve put together some advice from Stephen King, Elizabeth Gilbert, Robert McKee, and others on the drafting mindset and specific drafting strategies. Continue reading to learn how to start writing a story.

Steps for How to Have Uncomfortable Conversations

Steps for How to Have Uncomfortable Conversations

When’s the best time to have a difficult talk with someone? How do you have uncomfortable conversations that you’re afraid to initiate? Tough conversations are never easy to have, but sometimes they’re necessary for relationships. Not Nice by Aziz Gazipura has great advice for people afraid to say the wrong thing in these necessary talks. Take a look at how to have uncomfortable conversations no one wants to have.