How to Use Symbolism in a Story: Advice From Stephen King

How to Use Symbolism in a Story: Advice From Stephen King

What difference can symbolism make in a story? When and how is it appropriate and functional? Each story should have a protagonist with a goal, obstacles to the protagonist’s goal, and a theme. But, above and beyond those basic elements, you should infuse complexity into a story to make it more compelling and interesting. Symbolism is one way to do this. Keep reading to get advice from Stephen King and Thomas C. Foster on how and when to use symbolism in a story.

How to Write a Fiction Book: Advice From Expert Storytellers

How to Write a Fiction Book: Advice From Expert Storytellers

Do you ever read books you wish you’d written? Do you want to see your own book on the bookstore and library shelves? We’ve collected and distilled fiction-writing advice from successful authors and storytelling experts, including Stephen King, Robert McKee, and Lisa Cron. We’ve highlighted common ideas shared by many of these diverse experts as well as areas in which they disagree about this highly personal art form. Read more to learn how to write a fiction book.

Voice in a Story: How to Reveal Yourself to Your Audience

Voice in a Story: How to Reveal Yourself to Your Audience

What does it mean to infuse your stories with your unique voice? How authentic should it be? You’re unique, so your voice as a storyteller is unique. No one else can provide the same blend of experience, personality, and style. Your unique voice is a powerful way to connect with your audience and set your work apart from the crowd. Keep reading to learn how to use your voice in a story and let your audience in on you as a person.

How to Choose a Topic for a Speech: The 2 Things to Consider

How to Choose a Topic for a Speech: The 2 Things to Consider

How do you choose a topic for a speech? When public speaking, what topics are most powerful? When you think about how to choose a topic for a speech, you should consider two things: what topics you’re passionate about and what topics you’re knowledgeable about. If you choose the right topic, you’ll be motivated and capable of delivering a powerful speech. Read this article to learn about these two factors and how they impact the quality of your speech.

How to Write a Prepared Speech With Impact: 6 Expert Strategies

How to Write a Prepared Speech With Impact: 6 Expert Strategies

What’s the best way to write a powerful speech? Can you learn how to write a prepared speech with impact? To learn how to write a prepared speech that makes a lasting impression, you’ll need to consider strategies related to the following: your overall message, three or fewer key ideas to include, your opening, simplicity, engagement, and your closing. If you can do all these things well, you’ll have a very powerful speech. Read on for more about speech-writing strategies for impactful public speaking.

How to Practice Public Speaking and Calm Your Nerves

How to Practice Public Speaking and Calm Your Nerves

What are the best ways to practice public speaking? What should you do if you feel anxious about an upcoming speech? To practice public speaking, you should rehearse your talking speed, your body language, and your hand gestures. Running through your speech in private with these things in mind will improve your presentation when you give your speech in public. Read more about how to practice public speaking so that your nerves don’t get the best of you in front of an audience.

How to Engage an Audience: Open Strong & Connect

How to Engage an Audience: Open Strong & Connect

How do you give a speech that will grab and keep the attention of the audience? What does it take to make a speech engaging? To engage an audience, you should focus on creating a strong opening and then finding a way to connect with them emotionally. Learning strategies to do these two things will help you give a more effective speech. To learn how to engage an audience, check out the following tips and strategies.

How to Become a Great Public Speaker: The First Steps

How to Become a Great Public Speaker: The First Steps

How can you get better at public speaking? Are there strategies for how to give a better speech? To become a great public speaker, you need to put thought into how you choose your topic, limit your speech to three key ideas, and create a strong opening and closing. By planning your speech strategically, you can send a more powerful message and connect better with your audience. Learn how to become a great public speaker with this expert advice.

How to Keep Audience Attention During a Presentation

How to Keep Audience Attention During a Presentation

How do you keep an audience interested in your speech? After you give your opening, how do you keep your audience with you? To keep audience attention during a presentation, use interaction, strategic pauses, and shock value. This will keep your audience paying attention to your speech as you continue. Learn how to keep audience attention during a presentation with these strategies.