Do you listen more than you talk? What’s your primary goal when you communicate? What can you learn about listening from an octopus? It probably comes as no surprise that listening well is important. Active listening is a specific skill that’s invaluable in all aspects of life, and it’s part of the practice of Verbal Judo—a set of techniques that help you handle any tense situation calmly. Read more for George Thompson’s threefold advice on how to improve active listening and communicate more effectively as a result.
How to Analyze a Situation: 4 Tips to Navigate a Tense Moment
How can you keep your judgment from getting clouded during a high-stress situation? What must you understand before you can resolve the issue? George Thompson developed Verbal Judo to help people handle tense situations at work, home, and elsewhere. Not only do you need to understand the personalities involved, you must fully and accurately ascertain the scenario you’re dealing with. Keep reading to learn how to analyze a situation using Verbal Judo principles and techniques.
How to Read Other People & Get Them to Cooperate
How well do you recognize other people’s personality types, motives, and intentions? If you were armed with that knowledge, what difference would it make? A judo practitioner responds to a physical attack with an awareness of their opponent’s intentions. In the same way, you can respond to a verbal confrontation by reading the other person and figuring out who they are and what they need from the encounter. Read on for practical advice on how to read other people, according to Verbal Judo by George Thompson.
5 Verbal De-Escalation Strategies From George Thompson
How do you get out of a tense situation? What are some ways to resolve issues rather than make them worse? Law enforcement trainer George Thompson argues that, in a high-pressure situation, it’s most effective to act as if you’re practicing judo. In other words, use the other person’s energy to gently move them in the direction you want them to go. Keep reading to learn Thompson’s verbal de-escalation strategies to handle conflicts in your day-to-day life.
How to Stop Being Condescending: 5 Steps to Polite Persuasion
Do people respond negatively when you ask them to do something? Could it be because you’ve made them feel like you’re looking down on them? Perhaps you’re a parent trying to get your teenager to respect curfew, or you’re a manager pressing your employees to meet a deadline. George Thompson offers some tips on how to get people to cooperate without making them feel small. Keep reading for Thompson’s advice on how to stop being condescending when you’re communicating with others.
What Is Verbal Judo? Communication Inspired by a Martial Art
What is Verbal Judo? Why should you practice it? George Thompson contends that, by using a form of “tactical communication” inspired by the Japanese martial art of judo, you can resolve stressful confrontations without losing your cool. Verbal Judo involves directing the other person’s energy toward a solution that makes everyone feel understood. Read more to learn what Verbal Judo is and how it can improve your communication and relationships.
You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen: Book Overview
Is it possible for both sides to win in a negotiation? How can you discover your opponent’s ceiling? Can you make a negotiation pleasant? In You Can Negotiate Anything, Herb Cohen teaches you how to conduct the most productive kind of negotiation possible: one where both sides win. You’ll also learn how to win at competitive negotiation and the secrets to a favorable deal. Read below for a brief overview of You Can Negotiate Anything.
Herb Cohen’s 3 Tips for a Successful Win-Win Negotiation
What’s a win-win negotiation? What are situations where a win-win negotiation is necessary? Many people think of negotiation as a ruthless showdown between competitors, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Herb Cohen asserts that the most productive negotiations are win-win, in which two parties find a solution that’s better than what either would have come up with had they stated a list of demands. Keep reading to learn how to get a win-win negotiation that pleases everyone.
Why You Shouldn’t Look for Negotiation Compromises
Do you want everyone to win in a negotiation? Should compromises be allowed in a negotiation? Herb Cohen states that the first step in a win-win negotiation is to establish a common goal: Announce to the person you’re negotiating with that you want to find a solution that satisfies everyone’s desires. This way, once you get into negotiation, both parties will actively search for win-win solutions. Continue reading to learn why negotiation compromises fall short.
How to Win a Negotiation: 5 Tips for a Win-Lose Deal
Do you know how to win a negotiation? Does your negotiation partner want to be the only winner? Herb Cohen contends that sometimes, it won’t be possible to craft a win-win negotiation. When you suspect someone wants to be the only one who wins, it’s time for you to step up and take the win yourself. Let’s look at five tips that’ll help you win a negotiation.