How to Know a Person: Book Overview (David Brooks)

A woman reading a book in a coffee shop at a table

What’s How to Know a Person by David Brooks about? How can we rebuild connections as human beings? In How to Know a Person, New York Times columnist David Brooks argues that our ability to truly understand and connect with others is in crisis. Brooks contends that by rediscovering the lost art of “knowing” people, we can bridge divides, foster empathy, and rebuild our moral character. Read below for a brief How to Know a Person book overview.

What Does It Mean to Know Someone? David Brooks Explains

A black and white watercolor painting of a man and woman facing each other, showing what it means to know someone

Do know someone who feels lonely and unseen? What does it mean to know someone? David Brooks says that many of us feel unacknowledged, unseen, and unloved. But he argues that we feel this way because we’ve lost the skill of getting to know one another deeply—and making each other feel known. Below, we’ll look at how you can make other people feel appreciated and acknowledged.

How to Communicate a Vision & Get Buy-In (Michael Hyatt)

A bearded man in a business suit and eyeglasses speaking to a room full of people illustrates how to communicate a vision

Want to know what makes a compelling vision stick in people’s minds? How can you get others excited about your goals and future plans? Communicating your vision effectively is a crucial leadership skill that can transform ideas into reality. Whether you’re leading a small team or an entire organization, the ability to convey your vision clearly and persuasively can make the difference between success and stagnation. Keep reading to get Michael Hyatt’s advice on how to communicate a vision in ways that inspire action and create lasting change.

Why Are ADHD People Impulsive? Doctor Explains

A woman pressing a reddit button that says "DO NOT PRESS," answering if adhd people are impulsive

Are ADHD people impulsive? What other issues can a lack of impulse control cause? The most clear-cut symptom of adult ADHD is the inability to consciously avoid impulsive actions or to know how to appropriately respond to situations. For example, knowing when not to speak during a conversation when your impulse may be to interrupt someone else. Let’s look at the science behind impulsive behavior in people with ADHD.

Why We Should All Try to Understand Different Perspectives

Two men talking to each other in a city, both understanding different perspectives

Why do politics divide people? How much of an effort should you make to understand someone’s life story? If you truly want to get to know someone, you have to stop assuming they come from a similar background as you. David Brooks considers it vital to learn to look at others and appreciate the depth and merit of their perspective. Keep reading to learn more about why understanding different perspectives is important.

The 2 Biggest Reasons Why You Should Get to Know Someone

Two people getting to know each other by talking on the street

Why is getting to know someone so vital to our well-being? How can you improve your moral character and society at the same time? According to David Brooks, there are two reasons why getting know people is important. Knowing other people is a moral act that helps us develop our character as individuals, and it’s also a social act that can help us reverse negative changes in the modern world. Let’s take a closer look at both of these ideas. 

How to Understand People Better: 3 Social Skills to Practice

A man and woman looking at a whiteboard that reads "PEOPLE" to learn how to understand people better

Do you feel like you don’t know the people around you very well? Do you want to know how to understand people better? While learning to know other people is crucial, David Brooks acknowledges that it takes a lot of time and effort to cultivate this skill. But he contends that anybody can learn to know others by mastering three skills. Let’s examine each of these skills in more detail so you can learn how to practice them. 

How to Make Someone Feel Seen and Truly Heard

A man flashing a light on another person, showing how to make someone feel seen

Do you want to make people feel seen? How can you appear interested in what people are sharing with you? David Brooks explains that it’s crucial to interact with others in ways that show them you appreciate them and want to understand them. This involves several skills you can practice every day, such as being open to what people share with you. Here’s how Brooks recommends learning how to make someone feel seen.

How to Improve Conversational Skills & Connect With People

A man and a woman learning how to improve conversational skills by talking to each other

Do you struggle to carry conversations? What types of skills do you need to enliven a discussion with someone? David Brooks says that you can have compelling, enriching conversations even with people you’re still getting to know. That’s especially true if you make a point of cultivating your conversational skills. Check out how to improve conversational skills so you can have rich discussions with people.