Do you often write for business? What are some things to keep in mind when writing a professional e-mail, memo, or report? If you want to improve your business writing skills, the number one thing to keep in mind is simplicity. And don’t be afraid to add some personality rather than sounding like a robot. Here are some tips on how to improve your business writing.
How to Write About Science and Technology
Do you write about science and technology? How can you make your writing sound less robotic? When people write about science and technology, they tend to lack humanity, making the piece too boring and matter-of-fact. To make your technical writing more interesting, focus on humanity first and incorporate facts and statistics only if they add to the story. Here’s how to make your technical writing more interesting.
5 Ways to Align With the Universe (Deepak Chopra)
How can alignment with the universe lead to your success? How is this alignment achieved? Deepak Chopra believes that personal alignment with the flow of thought-energy in the universe is the path to success. He offers five methods of alignment, including meditation and choosing meaningful goals. Read on for details on all five ways to align with the universe.
How to Use Rapid Logging in a Bullet Journal
What is rapid logging? What are the benefits of rapid logging your journal entries? Rapid logging is a method used to take quick, shorthand notes. This method is often used while daily logging in your bullet journal because you can take quick notes on daily events without getting bogged down. Here’s how to use rapid logging in a bullet journal.
Achieve Goal Alignment to Set Yourself Up for Success
How do you choose goals? Do you set goals that actually fit you? Deepak Chopra argues that you have innate gifts and talents that you’re meant to contribute to the world—and that you should choose goals that align with these natural tendencies because they feel more meaningful and enjoyable to pursue. He claims that aligning your strengths, interests, and positive intentions in this way creates the perfect environment for success. Here’s how to achieve goal alignment to get on the road to true success.
External Reality & Success: Why You Might Be Anxious
On what do you base your success? Is your quest for success making you fearful and anxious? Many people measure success in terms of how much they achieve or accumulate. According to best-selling author and world-renowned well-being practitioner Deepak Chopra, this definition of success—based on external reality—limits you and keeps you trapped in a cycle of achievement and accumulation that creates more anxiety than success. Here’s why an external focus creates a constant state of anxiety.
Technology and Productivity: Help or Hindrance?
How does technology hinder, rather than help, productivity? What other negative effects does technology have on people’s lives? Most people think that technology and productivity go hand in hand. This is most likely because there are numerous apps and programs out there designed to help you be more productive, fight procrastination, stay on schedule, etc. However, Ryder Carroll, the author of The Bullet Journal Method, says that technology is actually doing the opposite. Here’s how technology is holding us back.
How to Set Up a Bullet Journal Daily Log
What is a bullet journal daily log? How do you set up and use a daily log? A daily log is for capturing any information, thoughts, or ideas that come up throughout the day in the form of tasks, events, and notes. In his book The Bullet Journal Method, Ryder Carroll outlines how to make a daily log. Here are the steps to follow if you want to make a daily log in your bullet journal.
What Makes a Good Team Leader?
What makes a good team leader? How do you, as a leader, ensure that all of your team members perform up to standard? As a leader, you must accept your team’s successes and failures: It’s your responsibility to ensure every team member is performing at a high standard. But if you push your team too hard, you’ll destroy your team’s morale and hinder their performance. According to Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, the authors of The Dichotomy of Leadership, there are two instances in which leaders ask too much of their teams: 1) imposing too many rules and 2) making
What Is the Difference Between Rich and Wealthy?
Is being rich and being wealthy the same thing? If not, then what is the difference between rich and wealthy? Contrary to popular belief, being rich and being wealthy is not the same thing. Being wealthy means you have a lot of money in the bank while being rich means you have a high income. But, just because you have a high income does not mean that you use your money wisely—money can disappear as fast as it appears if you aren’t responsible. Here is why making a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re wealthy.