Trying to figure out how to prioritize tasks in the workplace? How can the Scrum method help you decide which tasks should be tackled first? If you have so many tasks at work that you’re overwhelmed, try using Jeff Sutherland’s Scrum method. In his book Scrum, Sutherland teaches readers how to organize their projects by figuring out which tasks will have the biggest impact. Here’s how to organize and prioritize your tasks.
How to Use a Tactical Business Plan to Reach Goals
What is a tactical business plan? How can a tactical plan help you turn your business goals into reality? Identifying your business goals is important, but it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have a plan to execute those goals. In their book Execution, business leaders Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan teach you how to make a tactical plan to bring your business goals to fruition. Here’s how to create a tactical business plan.
3 Benefits of Having a Mentor: Accelerate Your Learning
Do you want to enrich your growth? Have you considered finding a mentor? While self-directed learning can take you far, Robert Greene asserts that finding a mentor will accelerate and enrich your learning. He identifies three benefits of having a mentor, explains how you should go about finding one, and discusses when it’s time to move on from that relationship. Keep reading for more on mentorship.
The Importance of Happiness in the Workplace
Does happiness in the workplace matter? How can you measure the happiness levels of your employees? Management expert Jeff Sutherland argues in his book Scrum that happiness in the workplace is essential. He explains that happy employees are more productive and creative, therefore managers and team leaders should be making sure their teams are happy. Continue reading to learn how to measure and increase workplace happiness.
Tips for Finding and Retaining Top Talent
Does it feel like many of your applicants are underqualified? How can you find and retain talent at your company? With such a competitive job market, there’s an abundance of applicants to sift through. The problem is that it’s difficult to tell which of those applicants would be a good fit for your company. Additionally, once you’ve chosen to hire someone, it can be just as challenging to keep them. Here are some tips on finding and retaining talent from the book Execution.
What Are the Functions of a Leader in Business?
What are the functions of a leader? What are some of the common mistakes leaders make? According to business leaders and specialists Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan, a leader must perform three functions to be successful. A good leader will find and keep talent, set realistic goals, and create tactical plans that work. Here’s an overview of the functions of a business leader.
How to Set Business Goals: Make Them Realistic
Want to know how to set business goals that are attainable, rather than pipe dreams? Why is it important to create a strategic plan that’s grounded in reality? In their book Execution, business specialists Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan teach you how to put together a strategic business plan that establishes your business’s priorities and goals. They assert that business goals must be flexible, grounded, and accessible. It’s also important to intermittently follow up on the goals after you set them. Here’s how to set business goals that will help your company succeed.
The 2 Core Elements of Organizational Culture
What do successful cultures have in common? What should you make sure is built into your organization’s culture? Businessman and author Ben Horowitz argues that you must cultivate two core elements of organizational culture if you want to succeed. All intentional cultures encompass the strengths of the leader and they undergird the organization’s strategy. Read more to learn about these two elements.
What Are Sprints in Scrum & How Do They Work?
What are Sprints in Scrum? What are the four phases in a Sprint cycle? A Sprint is the core process within Scrum. Sprints are fixed lengths of time, usually one or two weeks, in which the team works on a particular task or tasks. The key values of the Scrum framework are developed and maintained inside Sprints. Sprints are where the work gets done, where value is created, and where people turn ideas into reality. Here are the four phases of a Sprint cycle.
What Is Mastery? The Ingredients for Excellence
What is mastery? What roles do experience, intuition, and practice play when it comes to mastering a discipline? Robert Greene describes mastery as creative power and excellence that shows you’ve fully grasped your discipline. It involves technical proficiency and social know-how. He believes that you achieve mastery when you bring those skills together with reason, intuition, and experience. Here’s Greene’s take on what mastery means.