How to Give a Good Speech & Win Over an Audience

How to Give a Good Speech & Win Over an Audience

What’s the secret to giving a good speech? How should you prepare for a speech? Public speaking is frightening to many people, but being prepared will help calm your nerves. Once you feel confident enough to get up on stage, you’ll be able to deliver a powerful speech that will inspire others. Below, we’ll look at how to give a good speech that’s authentic and unforgettable.

Loving Your Job: Work Doesn’t Have to Suck

Loving Your Job: Work Doesn’t Have to Suck

Are you happy at your job? What are some things you can do to improve your job satisfaction? Your job satisfaction inevitably affects the rest of your life. Being happy at work is linked to better physical and mental health—the lack of which may drain the energy you need both to enjoy your personal life and succeed at work. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam explains why loving your job is so important and how you can increase your job satisfaction by creating your perfect position. 

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

What is Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours about? What is the key message to take away from the book? In 168 Hours, Laura Vanderkam argues that most people have enough time for everything they need and want to do. The problem is that people are not using their time intentionally. Drawing on her experience, she explains how we can be more intentional with our time at work, at home, and with our leisure. Below is a brief overview of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam.

How Meaningful Goals Make You Happier

How Meaningful Goals Make You Happier

Why are meaningful goals important? How can you set meaningful goals? According to Steven Bartlett, setting meaningful goals will bring you more success, contentment, and even love in life. In Happy Sexy Millionaire, Bartlett says that, to feel content, successful, and loved, you have to find what’s meaningful to you. Read on to learn more about why meaningful goals bring more happiness, according to Bartlett.

Is Remote Work Going Away? Workers & Employers Debate

Is Remote Work Going Away? Workers & Employers Debate

Is remote work going away? Will it continue into 2023 or will remote jobs decline? Employers argue that remote work is less efficient and less productive—especially in jobs that require collaboration and creativity. However, employees’ priorities have changed—many might not be willing to come back to work even if it means taking a pay cut or losing a job. Keep reading for further insight into the future of remote work and if it’s going away or here to stay.

Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change—Overview

Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change—Overview

What is Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change about? What are the main takeaways of the book? According to the authors of Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, accomplishing goals is all about knowing how to change human behavior. Drawing on their background in social science and organizational change, Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler break down the complex task of influencing people into a simple three-step process. Read below for a brief overview of Influencer.

How to Improve Soft Skills (+ The 5 Most Important Ones)

How to Improve Soft Skills (+ The 5 Most Important Ones)

What are soft skills? Why is it important to improve soft skills? Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that help you work well with others. These skills are especially important in the workplace, where social skills and emotional intelligence are highly valued. Below you’ll learn how to improve soft skills so you can improve your work performance.

The 3 Most Important Sales Skills of High-Value Reps

The 3 Most Important Sales Skills of High-Value Reps

What are the most important sales skills to know? How can you use these skills to increase sales for your company? According to business and marketing expert Donald Miller, becoming a high-value employee is the key to leading a successful career in an organization. In Business Made Simple, he describes the most important sales skills you should know to make yourself indispensable to an employer. Read on to learn the three most important sales skills of high-value sales professionals, according to Miller.

The Future of Remote Work Is Risky If You’re Fully-Remote

The Future of Remote Work Is Risky If You’re Fully-Remote

What will the future of remote work look like in the United States? What threats do fully-remote workers face? As workplaces restabilize post-pandemic, organizations are getting so good at supporting remote workers that they may start replacing remote employees with outsourced contractors. Outsourcing jobs (locally or abroad) could help companies cut costs and hire a diverse team of top talent. Keep reading to learn how outsourcing may affect the future of remote work in the U.S.