The 4 Unexpected Problems With Remote Work

The 4 Unexpected Problems With Remote Work

What are some unexpected problems with remote work? What are the biggest problems, according to research? Remote work has many proven benefits—like reducing commuting headaches or allowing employees to work wherever they want—but it has created some drawbacks, too. If you’re considering working remotely, it’s important to know about some of the emerging problems with remote work. Read on to discover the four unexpected problems with remote work faced by remote employees.

The 2 Life Coaching Skills Every Coach Must Have

The 2 Life Coaching Skills Every Coach Must Have

What are the core life coaching skills? How can you do your job more effectively by learning these skills? In Coach the Person, Not the Problem, Marcia Reynolds describes the most important life coaching skills that separate the great from the good. According to her, there are two core skills every life coach should learn to be successful in their field. Read on to learn the two life coaching skills you should master as a coach, according to Reynolds.

Finding Your Career Passion: Lessons From Jodie Fox

Finding Your Career Passion: Lessons From Jodie Fox

How can you find a career passion? Why is it important to find a career you’re passionate about? In her book Reboot, Jodie Fox describes following her career passion, which led her to create Shoes of Prey, a global shoe business. Even though the process was complicated and stressful, she still believes in finding and following your career passion. Read on to learn how to choose a career you’re passionate about, according to Fox’s advice.

How a Daily Writing Routine Will Make You a Better Writer

How a Daily Writing Routine Will Make You a Better Writer

Do you want to establish a daily writing routine but don’t know how to start? How strict should you be? Does it matter what time of day you write? Are you naturally a bad writer? Trick question: There’s no such thing. In Everybody Writes, bestselling author, speaker, and digital marketer Ann Handley explains that writing is a practice—not a talent—and that anyone can improve their writing through consistent work and practice. Keep reading to learn how a daily writing routine will make you a better writer.

How to Give a Good Speech & Win Over an Audience

How to Give a Good Speech & Win Over an Audience

What’s the secret to giving a good speech? How should you prepare for a speech? Public speaking is frightening to many people, but being prepared will help calm your nerves. Once you feel confident enough to get up on stage, you’ll be able to deliver a powerful speech that will inspire others. Below, we’ll look at how to give a good speech that’s authentic and unforgettable.

Loving Your Job: Work Doesn’t Have to Suck

Loving Your Job: Work Doesn’t Have to Suck

Are you happy at your job? What are some things you can do to improve your job satisfaction? Your job satisfaction inevitably affects the rest of your life. Being happy at work is linked to better physical and mental health—the lack of which may drain the energy you need both to enjoy your personal life and succeed at work. Time management expert Laura Vanderkam explains why loving your job is so important and how you can increase your job satisfaction by creating your perfect position. 

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think

What is Laura Vanderkam’s 168 Hours about? What is the key message to take away from the book? In 168 Hours, Laura Vanderkam argues that most people have enough time for everything they need and want to do. The problem is that people are not using their time intentionally. Drawing on her experience, she explains how we can be more intentional with our time at work, at home, and with our leisure. Below is a brief overview of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam.

How Meaningful Goals Make You Happier

How Meaningful Goals Make You Happier

Why are meaningful goals important? How can you set meaningful goals? According to Steven Bartlett, setting meaningful goals will bring you more success, contentment, and even love in life. In Happy Sexy Millionaire, Bartlett says that, to feel content, successful, and loved, you have to find what’s meaningful to you. Read on to learn more about why meaningful goals bring more happiness, according to Bartlett.

Is Remote Work Going Away? Workers & Employers Debate

Is Remote Work Going Away? Workers & Employers Debate

Is remote work going away? Will it continue into 2023 or will remote jobs decline? Employers argue that remote work is less efficient and less productive—especially in jobs that require collaboration and creativity. However, employees’ priorities have changed—many might not be willing to come back to work even if it means taking a pay cut or losing a job. Keep reading for further insight into the future of remote work and if it’s going away or here to stay.