Do you ever deliver presentations that you don’t really believe in? Do you practice what you preach? According to John C. Maxwell, effective communication starts with the speaker: Your identity, actions, and values affect the way you speak and how others view you. Before you can sway your audience with your words, you must first win them over with your character. Keep reading to learn three ways your speaker credibility can be strengthened.
Imagine Who You Could Be & Then Aim Single-Mindedly at That
What’s your full potential? Is there a path to reaching it, or is it just pie in the sky? Jordan Peterson believes that potential knows no bounds. In his book Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life, he challenges you to imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that. Read more to learn about Beyond Order Rule 2 and how it can open you up to a world of possibility.
Do Not Do What You Hate: Beyond Order Rule 5
Do you have qualms about anything? Do they stop you, or do you end up doing things you later regret? Everyone draws the line somewhere when it comes to things they don’t tolerate. Too often, people focus intolerance outward rather than inward. In Beyond Order, Jordan B. Peterson offers up this rule for life: Do not do what you hate. Continue reading to learn about Beyond Order Rule 5 and how it can save you pain and regret down the road.
Barbara Oakley’s Mindshift: Book Overview & Takeaways
Are you contemplating a career change? Are you afraid that it might be too late? Whether you’re unhappy at work, interested in another field, or worried that your job is in danger of becoming obsolete, it’s never too late to make a career change. Barbara Oakley asserts that, whatever your age or occupation, you can have a mindshift. Keep reading for our Mindshift book overview.
The Importance of Being Open-Minded About Your Career & Ability
Do you believe you can reinvent yourself at this point in your career? Do you think it’s too late to make a career change? Barbara Oakley believes you’re capable of having a mindshift. This opens up career opportunities for you that you didn’t have before. But, before you can open up opportunities, you must open up your mind to possibilities. Read on to learn about the importance of being open-minded in the context of your career and ability.
How to Be More Open-Minded: 3 Steps Toward New Possibilities
Are you willing to go back to being a beginner if that means that you’re learning something new? What career path would you go down if you had the required skills? In her book Mindshift, Barbara Oakley provides encouragement to those who feel stuck in their career. She says that you’re capable of learning new information and skills. It just requires being open-minded about your own abilities. Keep reading to learn how to be more open-minded and discover new opportunities as a result.
8 Secondary Trauma Symptoms Caregivers Experience
Do you care for trauma patients? What are the signs of secondary trauma? According to Laura van Dernoot Lipsky’s book Trauma Stewardship, people have different responses to trauma exposure. If you work with trauma patients, you must understand how secondary trauma affects you so you can better care for others. Let’s look at eight secondary trauma symptoms that you may be experiencing.
The Advantages of MOOCs & How to Get the Most Out of Them
Would you like to go back to school? Are you worried that you don’t have the time or money to do it? If you want to learn something new but aren’t in a position to bankroll a degree, MOOCs might be the answer for you. They’re growing in popularity for a reason. Barbara Oakley discusses the pros and cons of MOOCs in her book Mindshift. Continue reading to learn the advantages of MOOCs, their disadvantages, and advice on how to make the most of them.
4 Challenges of Adult Education & How to Overcome Them
What’s standing in the way of you going back to school? Would you like to learn something new but aren’t sure how to go about it? Many people sense the need for a career change, but they don’t know where to start when it comes to getting the education they need to make that happen. In Mindshift, Oakley writes that it’s possible to overcome perceived barriers and gain new skills so you can reinvent yourself. Read more to learn about several challenges of adult education and how to overcome them.
How to Make a Career Change: 3 Steps to Reinvent Yourself
Are you unhappy at work? Interested in another field? Worried that your job is in danger of becoming obsolete? Barbara Oakley says it’s never too late to make a career change. In her book Mindshift, she asserts that you can have a mindshift regardless of your age or occupation. That means expanding your skill set—and, consequently, your opportunities—through transformative learning. Keep reading to learn how to make a career change with three steps from Oakley.