The Unicorn Project: Book Overview (Gene Kim)

The Unicorn Project: Book Overview (Gene Kim)

What is the book The Unicorn Project by Gene Kim about? How can employee autonomy make or break a company? In The Unicorn Project, Gene Kim presents a fictional case study of a business that falls behind its competitors because of its soul-crushing work conditions. The result is a band of rebellious employees to figure out a new, more productive way of working. Read below for a brief The Unicorn Project book overview to get the main ideas.

Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott: Book Overview

Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott: Book Overview

What is Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott about? Do you want to talk about your feelings without fear of backlash? In Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott argues that everyone should be comfortable making courageous conversations. These types of discussions are ones where you let your true feelings and issues out there, and the results are better relationships and alignment with your goals. Read below for a brief overview of Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott.

Unproductive at Work? Here’s a Lesson From The Unicorn Project

computer working late

Why are so many employees unproductive at work? How does poor management cause an inefficient work environment? The Unicorn Project by Gene Kim follows the narrative of Maxine Chambers, a lead developer in Parts Unlimited’s software development department within IT. Through Maxine’s eyes, Kim illustrates the characteristics of both unproductive and healthy workplace cultures, with an emphasis on how the former can be turned into the latter. Let’s look at the story of Chambers to inspire you to be more productive at work.

The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior

The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior

Do you want to better understand nonverbal communication? Do you wish you could read people’s emotions using their body language? In The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior, retired FBI Special Agent Joe Navarro offers a reference guide that explains a wide breadth of body language cues. The guide is intended to create a foundation you can use to study and interpret nonverbal communication. Continue reading for an overview of this book that provides a broad introduction to body language.

Wired for Story by Lisa Cron: Book Overview & Takeaways

Wired for Story by Lisa Cron: Book Overview & Takeaways

Why is it hard to explain what makes a story good? How does that impact our ability to write good stories? What can we do to overcome that difficulty and craft interesting narratives? In Wired for Story, Lisa Cron argues that our brains evolved to absorb information through stories. So, writers who want to create compelling narratives should write in a way that satisfies our brains’ expectations of story. Continue reading for an overview of this book that takes a fresh approach to story writing.

Becky Kennedy’s Good Inside: Book Overview & Takeaways

Becky Kennedy’s Good Inside: Book Overview & Takeaways

Are you letting a negativity bias affect your parenting? How can you get your kids to actually want to be obedient? When is silliness an effective parenting technique? Becky Kennedy’s Good Inside helps parents effect sustainable behavior changes in their kids while building positive relationships with them. Our overview lays out Kennedy’s core principles, her toolkit for dealing with challenging behavior, and explanations and solutions for common parenting challenges. Continue reading for an overview of this practical parenting manual.

Negotiation Genius: Book Overview and Takeaways

Negotiation Genius: Book Overview and Takeaways

What’s the book Negotiation Genius about? Are you ready to be an expert negotiator who gets the best deals? In Negotiation Genius, Deepak Malhotra and Max H. Bazerman give advice to prepare, create value, and maximize satisfaction in your negotiations. They also look at common obstacles you might face and explore ways to avoid them or use them to your advantage. Read below for a brief Negotiation Genius book overview.

Fierce Conversation Quotes on Beneficial Discussions

Fierce Conversation Quotes on Beneficial Discussions

Do you want to talk about your thoughts and feelings more? What are the top Fierce Conversations quotes that stick in your head? Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott is a guide to having effective dialogue at work or in your personal life. After reading this book, you’ll have all the skills you need to solve issues and achieve happiness in life. Continue reading for the best Fierce Conversations quotes to remember.

Will Guidara’s Unreasonable Hospitality: Book Overview

Will Guidara’s Unreasonable Hospitality: Book Overview

What’s Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara about? How did he manage to create the World’s Best Restaurant for 2017? Unreasonable Hospitality traces Will Guidara’s career and the lessons he learned from each stage. His journey begins as the general manager of Eleven Madison Park and culminates in making it the world’s best restaurant. Read below for our Unreasonable Hospitality book overview.

Fierce Conversations: 2 Models for Effective Discussions

Fierce Conversations: 2 Models for Effective Discussions

What are Fierce Conversations’ models for truthful discussions? How can you have a productive conversation in small and large groups? In Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott explains that you must choose an effective conversational model to structure important discussions. Following a conversational model is crucial because it allows you to respectfully introduce the topic and learn from all perspectives. Below are two models from Fierce Conversations that you can use for small groups or large meetings.