Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker: Book Overview

Early Retirement Extreme by Jacob Lund Fisker: Book Overview

What are you willing to give up in order to work less (or not at all)? Do you carry debt that isn’t really necessary? In Early Retirement Extreme, Jacob Lund Fisker shows you how to do what he did: break free of consumerism and live a fulfilling, meaningful life—well before the typical retirement age. He provides straightforward strategies that you can adopt to make this significant lifestyle change. Continue reading for an overview of this book that invites you to take control of your life and future.

Robin Sharma’s The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Overview

Robin Sharma’s The Everyday Hero Manifesto: Overview

What is The Everyday Hero Manifesto by Robin Sharma about? Do you want to release your inner hero? Robin Sharma’s The Everyday Hero Manifesto provides suggestions for strengthening your mind, body, and heart to fulfill your heroic potential. This is for you to realize that you can accomplish great things. Read below for a brief overview of The Everyday Hero Manifesto.

The Vital Question by Nick Lane: Book Overview & Takeaways

The Vital Question by Nick Lane: Book Overview & Takeaways

Why does life work the way it does? Are life’s features the product of random genetic mutations, or did organisms have to evolve in a certain way to overcome specific physical and chemical challenges? In The Vital Question, Nick Lane argues that genetics can’t give us the answers by itself. To explain the origin of life, we have to understand how cells make use of energy and what environmental conditions gave rise to the molecular power plants found in every living thing. Continue reading for an overview of this book that seeks to answer some of life’s biggest questions.

Simon Sinek Book Club Exercises to Discuss & Put Into Practice

Simon Sinek Book Club Exercises to Discuss & Put Into Practice

Have you read Simon Sinek’s books? Are you looking for discussion questions to use individually or with a group? Author Simon Sinek gives us a lot to talk about and act upon. We’ve put together several exercises based on the content in four of Sinek’s books. The exercises include questions that will help you discuss and implement each book’s ideas. Continue reading for Simon Sinek book club questions that will allow you to get even more out of Sinek’s books.

The Everyday Hero Manifesto Quotes on Achieving Greatness

Why Is the Hero's Journey Important and Relevant?

What are the best The Everyday Hero Manifesto quotes? What can you learn about being a hero from these quotes? A hero doesn’t need laser eyes or super strength to be great. The Everyday Hero Manifesto says all you need is a strong mind, body, and heart and determination to live to your fullest potential. Check out these The Everyday Hero Manifesto quotes to learn more.

Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud: Book Overview

Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud: Book Overview

What is Necessary Endings by Henry Cloud about? Are you ready to put the past behind you? If you’ve ever struggled to leave a lousy job or a toxic relationship, psychologist Henry Cloud has advice for you. In Necessary Endings, Henry Cloud argues that pulling out of a bad situation is often the best way to move forward with your life. Read below for a brief overview of Necessary Endings.

The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel: Book Overview

The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel: Book Overview

What is The Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel about? Do you frequently delay important work until right before the deadline? In The Procrastination Equation, Piers Steel discusses the reasons behind procrastination and its consequences. He also provides strategies for combating the most common procrastination triggers. Read below for a brief overview of The Procrastination Equation.

The Best Gabor Maté Scattered Minds Quotes About ADHD

The Best Gabor Maté Scattered Minds Quotes About ADHD

What are the best quotes from Scattered Minds? What can you take away about the development of ADHD from these quotes? Gabor Maté is an internationally renowned family doctor with expertise in childhood development and the impacts of trauma on health. He argues that understanding the social and psychological roots of ADHD can help you treat it in your child without medication. Take a look at Gabor Maté’s Scattered Mind quotes with context.

This Is Marketing: Seth Godin Helps Marketers Learn to See

This Is Marketing: Seth Godin Helps Marketers Learn to See

Why shouldn’t companies focus on selling? What should they focus on instead? What’s the ultimate goal of marketing? In his book This Is Marketing, Seth Godin explains why old marketing techniques are no longer effective. He outlines four bedrock principles to help guide successful marketing in the modern age. Continue reading for an overview of this practical book that can benefit all business leaders.

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall: Overview & Takeaways

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall: Overview & Takeaways

Why are the economies of Northern Europe stronger than those of Southern Europe? How does global warming impact trade routes? How is Tibet geopolitically important? Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall is about how geography shapes the development and politics of nations. Marshall’s aim is to help readers gain a deeper understanding of global politics and conflicts by detailing their geographical underpinnings. Continue reading for an overview of this eye-opening book.