Existential Kink Quotes: Insights From Carolyn Elliott

Existential Kink Quotes: Insights From Carolyn Elliott

How does Carolyn Elliott define fear? What does she think comprises an effective ethical compass? In Existential Kink, Carolyn Elliott explains what existential kink is and how it emerged from Jungian psychology. She also provides activities to help you incorporate existential kink into your life. Below are three Existential Kink quotes that illustrate Elliott’s main ideas in the book.

5 Time to Think Quotes: Nancy Kline’s Key Insights (+ Context)

5 Time to Think Quotes: Nancy Kline’s Key Insights (+ Context)

What surprising insight did Nancy Kline find during her research on students? How does listening to someone help them think? What and how we think determines everything we do. Nancy Kline asserts that the quality of our thinking is determined by how well we listen to each other. She shares a six-step process for listening to someone to help them engage in higher-quality thinking, resulting in great ideas that lead to powerful action. Read more for five Time to Think quotes that will give you a taste of the book’s concepts.

Against Empathy by Paul Bloom: Book Overview & Takeaways

Against Empathy by Paul Bloom: Book Overview & Takeaways

Are you for or against empathy? Why would anyone ever be against it? Is there such a thing as too much empathy? In Against Empathy, Paul Bloom argues that we rely too heavily on our emotions—especially empathy—to guide our judgments, decisions, and behavior. He suggests that our empathic responses to other people can lead us away from the morally good and right course of action. Continue reading for an overview of this contrarian book.

Liar’s Poker: Book Overview (Michael Lewis)

Liar’s Poker: Book Overview (Michael Lewis)

What is Liar’s Poker by Michael Lewis about? How did the Salomon Brothers fall from grace on Wall Street? The cynical view of the financial world says that Wall Street is run by a special breed of traders who exploit investors’ collective fear and greed to enrich themselves. In Liar’s Poker, Michael Lewis backs up this opinion with a first-hand account of the pursuit of ill-gotten riches at the Salomon Brothers investment firm during the 1980s. Read below for a brief Liar’s Poker book overview.

Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews: Book Overview

Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews: Book Overview

Do you wish you could be bigger, leaner, and stronger? Are you motivated to get fit and just need a plan that works? In Bigger Leaner Stronger, personal trainer Michael Matthews argues that you can get the physique you want. He presents science-based diet and exercise plans designed for men, and he provides a step-by-step guide to implementing them. Continue reading for an overview of Bigger Leaner Stronger by Michael Matthews.

When They Win, You Win: Overview of Russ Laraway’s Book

When They Win, You Win: Overview of Russ Laraway’s Book

Why is there so much bad management around? How can you make sure you’re not part of the problem? In his book When They Win, You Win, employee experience expert Russ Laraway explains that employee engagement in the workforce is at an all-time low. But, it’s not the employees who are at fault; it’s their managers. Continue reading for an overview of this book that can help you become the kind of manager you want to be.

Carolyn Elliott’s Existential Kink: Book Overview & Takeaways

Carolyn Elliott’s Existential Kink: Book Overview & Takeaways

What are your deepest desires? Are you even in touch with them? How can you take control of your life by taking control of your desires? We all have negative patterns we see playing out again and again in our lives. In Existential Kink, writer and teacher Carolyn Elliott argues that the negative patterns in our lives are manifestations of what we unconsciously desire. Read below for a brief Existential Kink book overview.

Barbarians at the Gate: Book Overview and Takeaways

Barbarians at the Gate: Book Overview and Takeaways

What is the book Barbarians at the Gate about? What was the biggest leveraged buyout in history? In their book Barbarians at the Gate, Bryan Burrough and John Helyar detail the 1988 leveraged buyout of RJR Nabisco, which is the biggest business transaction of the 20th century. The high value of the transaction, as well as the unusually competitive bidding in the LBO process, caught the attention of the press. Read below for a brief Barbarians at the Gate book overview.

Liar’s Poker: Quotes About Wall Street’s Tricky Game

Liar’s Poker: Quotes About Wall Street’s Tricky Game

What are the best Liar’s Poker quotes that detail the wealth-chasing culture of the 1980s? What does the book say about ethics in investing? In Liar’s Poker, Michael Lewis discusses the events that led to a boom in the bond market around 1980. Additionally, he details how the Salomon Brothers investment firm was ideally poised to make the most of that market, and what the internal culture of Salomon was like. Below are quotes from Liar’s Poker that share all you need to know about the book.

The 10 Best Negotiation Books for Getting What You Want

A Guide to Developing Effective Negotiation Strategies

Do you want to make the best deal in a negotiation? What are the best negotiation books for making deals? Making negotiations is a part of everyday life. People make negotiations on houses, salaries, or even where to eat for a date night. Settling on a deal that’s satisfying to both parties is the best possible outcome, but not always easy to achieve. We’ve rounded up the top negotiation books that you can use to make attractive deals.