An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States: Overview

Books sprouting out of a tree

What can we learn from An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States? What perspectives have been left out of most American history books? An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States tells the story of how Native American nations have struggled to survive throughout the European colonization of America. This history is extremely important to make sense of the current status of indigenous nations. Read on to learn about indigenous American nations and how they have survived and developed since European colonization.

Jesus and John Wayne: Book Overview & Key Takeaways

A young man reading a book in a wheat field

Why was Donald Trump voted into the presidency? Does it have anything to do with a historical shift in Christianity? Following the 2016 US presidential election, pundits argued that the 81% of evangelical Christians who voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton viewed him as the lesser of two evils. But, according to historian Kristin Du Mez, this explanation is misguided. Continue reading for our Jesus and John Wayne book overview.

Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness Quotes on Individuality

A girl reading beside a tree

What does it mean to find true belonging? What does Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness say about forcing your opinions on others? Braving the Wilderness claims that finding like-minded people can be damaging to your self-esteem and acceptance. This is because people tend to throw away their own beliefs to fit in with the crowd, losing a sense of self. Learn more about the concept of true belonging with Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness quotes.

Rory Sutherland Quotes From Alchemy (+ Context)

A middle aged man with a five o clock reading a book in an office

What’s the problem with logic? What do people value more than things? Why should businesses ignore what their customers say? In Alchemy, Rory Sutherland suggests that, to solve economic and political problems, we should leverage people’s illogical—and even magical—ways of thinking. If business and political leaders can better understand the human psyche, they can use it to tackle the issues of the modern world. Read more for several Rory Sutherland quotes from Alchemy that will give you a good sense of the book.

Let My People Go Surfing: Patagonia’s Eco-Friendly Story

Let My People Go Surfing: Patagonia’s Eco-Friendly Story

What’s Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard about? How does the clothing company Patagonia help the environment? According to Let My People Go Surfing, Patagonia was founded as an eco-friendly company that’s conscious of its environmental footprint. Founder Yvon Chouinard shares how he grew from a nature enthusiast to the founder of the company. Read below for a brief overview of Let My People Go Surfing.

Exploring Horror Genre Themes With The Broski Report

A black and white horror mansion with spider-webs

What are common themes in the horror genre? How are Lovecraftian themes portrayed in modern media? In an episode of The Broski Report, Brittany Broski delves into the fascinating realms of fear and the unknown through various artistic lenses. She ties in her own philosophical explorations of these themes by examining H.P. Lovecraft’s influence and the iconic novel Dracula. Discover more about the complexities of horror genre themes.

Death: An Inside Story by Sadhguru (Overview & Takeaways)

A woman with brown hair reading a book inside

What do you think of death? Is it something to be feared? What preparations should you make? Someday, you’re going to die. This is an obvious, unavoidable fact of life. Yet, author Sadhguru points out that almost everyone in modern society has implicitly agreed to ignore it. This reluctance to acknowledge death leads to enormous and unnecessary suffering. Continue reading for a comprehensive overview of Sadhguru’s Death: An Inside Story.

Complex PTSD by Pete Walker: Book Overview & Healing Advice

An older man reading a book outside

How is Complex PTSD different from PTSD? How does specialist Pete Walker describe the nature of Complex PTSD? Complex PTSD, Pete Walker’s book, describes a disorder caused by repeated traumatic experiences, like in the case of chronic child abuse or neglect. By looking at how CPTSD develops, you can clearly see the impacts of abuse and learn how to heal from it. Read on to learn more about how trauma impacts the brain in cases of abuse.

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai: Book Overview

A young girl reading in the woods

How did a little girl from Pakistan become a Nobel laureate? Why did Malala leave Pakistan? Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai was only 10 years old when the Taliban arrived in her hometown in Pakistan. When Malala was 15, the Taliban shot and nearly killed her. I Am Malala, a New York Times best-seller, is Malala’s autobiography. Continue reading for an overview of I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai.

Dr. Daniel Amen Quotes (Change Your Brain, Change Your Life)

A young man reading a book outside.

Can food make you smarter? What’s wrong with traditional medical diagnosis? How can your brain physiology affect your behavior? Many people suffer from physical, mental, and cognitive problems. In Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, psychiatrist and brain health expert Dr. Daniel Amen argues that, to effectively treat and overcome these problems, you must help your brain recover from physical damage and enhance its overall health. Continue reading for several Dr. Daniel Amen quotes from Change Your Brain, Change Your Life that will give you a good sense of the book’s ideas.