You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen: Book Overview

A young woman with her hand to her chin holding a book outside.

Is it possible for both sides to win in a negotiation? How can you discover your opponent’s ceiling? Can you make a negotiation pleasant? In You Can Negotiate Anything, Herb Cohen teaches you how to conduct the most productive kind of negotiation possible: one where both sides win. You’ll also learn how to win at competitive negotiation and the secrets to a favorable deal. Read below for a brief overview of You Can Negotiate Anything.

Scaling People: Book Overview (Claire Hughes Johnson)

A young man reading a book at a desk in an office.

What’s Claire Hughes Johnson’s book Scaling People about? What’s the greatest resource every company has? How can you ensure you’re hiring the right people? Fast-growing companies often focus on scaling key aspects of their business, such as their sales, marketing budgets, and manufacturing processes. However, according to Scaling People, they often forget to focus on their greatest resource: their people. Read below for a brief Scaling People book overview.

Adam Alter’s Anatomy of a Breakthrough: Overview & Takeaways

A young woman standing in the woods holds an open book

What’s Anatomy of a Breakthrough about? Do you have writer’s block or feel stuck in your personal life? We’ve all felt trapped at some point in our lives when our motivation falters and all our hard work grinds to a halt. In Anatomy of a Breakthrough, Adam Alter proposes a range of solutions that might help you find your way out of the woods. Read below for an overview of Adam Alter’s Anatomy of a Breakthrough.

The Man’s Guide to Women: Gottman on Dating and Marriage

Man reading a book, representing The Man's Guide to Women, Gottman's book on relationships

What’s covered in The Man’s Guide to Women, John and Julie Schwartz Gottman’s book on relationships? What does it say about relationships with women? In The Man’s Guide to Women, Gottman advises men to become attuned to their partners’ needs and take care of them emotionally. The book also covers trademarks of bad relationships. For more on relationships between men and women, read on.

Inside the Book Will & Grace: Fabulously Uncensored

Television representing Will & Grace: Fabulously Uncensored

What’s covered in the book Will & Grace: Fabulously Uncensored? What does author Jim Colucci have to say about the show? In Will & Grace: Fabulously Uncensored, we learn about the author’s personal coming out experience, the impact of Will & Grace, and what it was like to be on set, including production challenges. Author Jim Colucci discussed all this and more on a recent episode of the podcast Just Jack & Will. Here’s more from the podcast interview with Colucci.

Slipstream Time Hacking by Benjamin Hardy: Book Overview

A man wearing a sweater and reading a book in an atrium

What’s Slipstream Time Hacking about? How much work could you get done if you had all the time in the world? Organizational psychologist Benjamin Hardy writes in Slipstream Time Hacking that you can get the most out of any moment so you can experience more of life. You just need to move more quickly to make time run slower. Read below for an overview of Slipstream Time Hacking.

Anthony G. Jay’s Estrogeneration: Book Overview & Takeaways

A young man reading a book outside

What’s the book Estrogeneration about? What health problems are estrogenics causing? In his book Estrogeneration, Dr. Anthony G. Jay explains what estrogenics are, the common ways we encounter them, and the health risks they pose to humans and the environment. He also provides some practical prevention tips to minimize your exposure. Read below for our Estrogeneration book overview.

Andy Stanley’s Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: Book Overview

A light shining on an open book on the ground in the forest.

Why do we make bad decisions, and how can we make better ones? What does Andy Stanley’s Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets teach about decision-making? Andy Stanley, Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets author and pastor, says we make bad decisions because we lie to ourselves. Then, he explains how questioning your biases can help you stop lying to yourself and make better decisions. Continue reading to learn how to make choices you won’t regret.

The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky (Overview)

A young man reading a book outside in a field.

Have you tried to find happiness and fallen short? Do you have clarity on what makes people—especially you—happy? In The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky unpacks the factors that fuel long-term happiness and provides practical strategies to nurture and sustain it. She draws from extensive research as well as insights from leading scientists in the positive psychology field. Continue reading for an overview of this book that can help you understand—and find—happiness.