What does it mean to be Black in America? How can African Americans embrace and enjoy shared culture? Black American identity is complex in that Black Americans are still marginalized today, requiring resilience from members of the community—but there are still avenues for celebration, joy, and beloved traditions. In fact, this joy can be the very basis of resilience. Read on to see how Ta-Nehisi Coates describes his own experience of forming Black American identity in his book Between the World and Me.
Understanding the Consequences of Slavery and Segregation
What have been the consequences of slavery and segregation in America? How has this violence against African Americans impacted the Black community today? The consequences of slavery and segregation include enduring violence against Black Americans and racial discrimination. This includes discrimination by police and judicial systems. Here’s more on how racism manifests today, from the book Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates.
The Connected Child: Book Overview & Key Takeaways
Are you adopting or fostering a child? What are the unique challenges that come with adoptive parenting? Parenting is hard under normal circumstances, but the job becomes even more challenging when fostering or adopting a child. The book The Connected Child discusses many of those challenges and provides advice for overcoming them. Keep reading for a brief overview of The Connected Child.
Platform Revolution: Book Overview and Takeaways
What makes businesses like Amazon and Spotify successful? How can you start your own platform? In Platform Revolution, the authors compare the platform business model to the traditional business model known as a pipeline. They also outline the essential design and management strategies for platform developers. Read below for a brief Platform Revolution book overview.
The Leadership Pipeline: Book Overview and Takeaways
What is a leadership pipeline? What does the ideal leader look like? The Leadership Pipeline runs through six different levels of management necessary to run any large organization. Additionally, it provides the skills required for each so employees are prepared for their next promotion. Read below for a brief The Leadership Pipeline book overview.
Letting Go by David R. Hawkins: Book Overview & Takeaways
Are you often bogged down by negative emotions? What’s Letting Go by David R. Hawkins about? In Letting Go, David R. Hawkins looks at common ways we avoid dealing with difficult emotions. To help with this, he offers strategies for identifying, accepting, and releasing unhelpful emotions. Read below for a brief overview of Letting Go.
Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion (Overview)
What if you applied martial arts principles to communication? What difference could it make in your ability to make your message heard? George Thompson argues that Verbal Judo is the most effective way to resolve conflicts and respond to confrontations. He explains each of his method’s principles and how to apply them, even under pressure. Continue reading for an overview of Verbal Judo: The Gentle Art of Persuasion by George Thompson.
The 4 Best Letting Go Book Quotes by David R. Hawkins
What are the best Letting Go book quotes? Do negative emotions stop you from reaching your full potential? According to David R. Hawkins, most of us carry unhelpful emotions because we fear them. He argues that the best way to handle unhelpful emotions is to completely release them. Read below for the best quotes from Letting Go.
The Stoic Challenge by William B. Irvine: Book Overview
What’s The Stoic Challenge by William B. Irvine about? How did the Stoics face adversity? Every one of us experiences hardship, often daily. In The Stoic Challenge, William B. Irvine argues that minimizing suffering isn’t just possible—it’s something that people have been doing since the Stoics pioneered a strategy to approach adversity as opportunity. Read below for a brief overview of The Stoic Challenge.
That Little Voice in Your Head by Mo Gawdat: Book Overview
What’s That Little Voice in Your Head by Mo Gawdat about? Can you program your brain to be happier? In That Little Voice in Your Head, Mo Gawdat explains your brain functions like a computer. He explores how it causes unhappiness and replaces these functions with new ones that will ensure happiness. Read below for a brief overview of That Little Voice in Your Head.