Onward by Howard Schultz: Book Overview & Takeaways

A woman reading a book at a coffee shop

What’s Onward by Howard Schultz about? How did Schultz turn Starbucks around during the 2007-2008 financial crisis? In Onward, Howard Schultz highlights the obstacles he faced as the CEO of Starbucks at a time of worldwide instability. He further explains how he managed to save the company while preserving its unique value. Read below for a brief overview of Onward.

Kathryn Schulz’s Being Wrong: Book Overview & Takeaways

a young man with dark hair and a beard and mustache reading a book in an atrium of a building

Do you laugh at your mistakes? Even more important, do you leverage your mistakes? Kathryn Schulz’s book Being Wrong encourages readers to view errors as opportunities for growth rather than sources of shame. The book examines how perceptions of reality become distorted and offers strategies for gracefully accepting your fallibility. Continue reading for an overview of this book that will help you enjoy, as Schulz puts it, “adventures in the margin of error.”

The Dictator’s Handbook: Book Overview & Key Takeaways

an open book lying on a desk in a government official's office with a conference table and a portrait in the background

How do political leaders come to power? How do they maintain it? What makes someone a dictator rather than a democrat? People often discuss political leaders in terms of their ideologies, their dedication to their people, or their backgrounds. To understand the choices leaders make, though, you need to consider only one thing: their desire for power. Continue reading for an overview of the eye-opening book The Dictator’s Handbook by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith.

How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge: Book Overview

A man reading a book in a library

Do you ever think you can do things differently than those in charge? Do you have great ideas but feel like you’re not high enough on the career ladder to act on them? In How to Lead When You’re Not In Charge, business speaker and former evangelical pastor Clay Scroggins explains that you can be a leader even without holding a position of authority. You can still inspire others to strive toward a shared goal of a better future, regardless of your position. Read below for a How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge book overview.

Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: Book Overview & Takeaways

A blank book sitting on a desk next to a lamp

Do you put off work that needs to get done? What’s the book Solving the Procrastination Puzzle about? In Solving the Procrastination Puzzle, psychologist Timothy A. Pychyl contends that you aren’t procrastinating because you’re bad at managing your time. Instead, you’re procrastinating because you haven’t learned how to handle your emotions. Read below for a brief Solving the Procrastination Puzzle book overview.

NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman: Book Overview & Takeaways

A girl on a couch reading a book that has a drawn image of a brain on the page

How do autistic brains differ from allistic brains? Why isn’t Asperger’s syndrome a legitimate diagnosis anymore? What is the only cure for autism? Every day, people with autism are forced to exist in a world that’s not designed for their brains. In the book NeuroTribes by Steve Silberman, he explores the history, characterization, and evolving societal perception of autism.  Whether you or someone you know is autistic or you’re simply curious about autism, here’s an overview of NeuroTribes.

Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt: Book Overview

a young dark-haired man wearing a plaid shirt thoughtfully reads a book he's holding

What drives ordinary people to commit extraordinary evil? Can the most horrific acts stem from mundane motivations? The groundbreaking book Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt challenges our understanding of evil. The book examines Adolf Eichmann, a key figure in the Holocaust, through a surprising lens. Arendt’s analysis reveals unexpected insights about the nature of evil itself. Read on for an overview of this work that lays out Arendt’s controversial perspective on one of history’s most infamous criminals.

No Self, No Problem: Book Overview (Chris Niebauer)

a woman standing outside of a building in a city is looking up from an open book in a thoughtful manner

Have you ever questioned the nature of your own identity? What if everything you believe about yourself is just an illusion? No Self, No Problem, a book by neuroscientist Chris Niebauer, challenges our understanding of self-identity. He argues that our sense of self is merely a construct created by our brain’s left hemisphere. This concept aligns with ancient Eastern philosophies that have long questioned the existence of a fixed self. Prepare to explore the fascinating intersection of neuroscience and spirituality as we delve into an overview of this thought-provoking book.

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade

a drawing of a bearded professional middle-aged man reading a book in a room with a table at the far end and large windows

Have you ever wondered why some people are more persuasive than others? What if the key to influence lies, not in what you say, but in what happens before you speak? In his book Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, psychologist Robert Cialdini explores the crucial moments before persuasion occurs. Setting the stage for your message is just as important as the message itself. He shares valuable insights on how to make your audience more receptive to your ideas. Continue reading to discover the secrets of pre-suasion and learn how to become a master of influence.

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming: Overview & Actionables

A cartoon image of a girl reading a book in bed, magical sparkles come from the book

How does lucid dreaming work? Can you learn and train while you sleep? What happens if you become lucid during a nightmare? In Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold investigate the transformative power of lucid dreaming. They write that through lucid dreaming, the ordinary boundaries of reality dissolve. Here’s an overview of the book, with actionable steps you can take.