Blackberries growing in the wild illustrates "blackberry moments"

What hidden treasures await in life’s unexpected moments? How can we learn to spot and cherish these meaningful encounters that often pass us by?

In his book Unscripted, Ernie Johnson Jr. explores the concept of “blackberry moments”—those surprise occasions that enrich our lives in profound ways. Like children discovering wild berries during a baseball game, these unplanned encounters invite us to pause, appreciate, and find meaning in life’s simple gifts.

Continue reading to open your eyes wider to the extraordinary moments waiting to be discovered in each day.

Blackberry Moments

Ernie Johnson Jr. emphasizes the importance of embracing life’s unexpected moments that shape our journey. He encourages us to cherish these unforeseen yet meaningful occurrences, which he poetically refers to as “blackberry moments.”

Johnson believes that life’s most profound impacts often come from unexpected events that catch us off guard and leave lasting impressions. He shares a story his father often told about young baseball players who paused their game to enjoy wild blackberries. This tale represents how we sometimes step away from our daily routines to appreciate unexpected beauty unfolding around us.

(Shortform note: In various cultures, blackberries have been associated with abundance and healing, which might imply that unexpected discoveries can bring richness and healing to one’s life.)

These opportunities are always present, Johnson maintains, if we develop the awareness to recognize them. They might appear as chance encounters with strangers sharing inspiring stories, unexpected expressions of love from those close to us, or moments of natural beauty. Such experiences enrich our lives, helping us recognize what truly matters and filling us with deep gratitude.

Personal Experiences and Acts of Kindness

Johnson draws a parallel between children absorbed by a thorny bramble and adults caught up in life’s rapid pace, often missing spontaneous moments that make life remarkable. He encourages mindfulness of the “blackberry patches” that divine providence places along our path, emphasizing the importance of slowing down to appreciate simple joys and chance encounters.

These pivotal moments have shaped Johnson’s own life, from meeting his wife Cheryl at a bank to expanding their family through adoption and receiving support during health challenges. He believes that by recognizing and valuing these seemingly small but crucial moments, we can develop deeper gratitude and rediscover wonder in our daily lives.

Johnson shares numerous examples of blackberry moments, including when a stranger anonymously paid for his meal during chemotherapy treatments and various acts of kindness during his son’s hospital stay. These experiences demonstrated the presence of goodwill around us and its profound impact on our spirits.

His life has been marked by diverse experiences, from the connection he felt when Michael joined his high school basketball team to the kindness of a stranger who helped him and Cheryl find their car when lost in a park. These unexpected moments, like discovering wild blackberries, have shaped his perspective and highlighted our interconnectedness.

(Shortform note: Michael is Johnson’s adopted son from Romania, who has special needs. His involvement in basketball might have been a significant milestone in his integration and development, fostering a sense of belonging and achievement.)

Modern Challenges and Divine Orchestration

In an era dominated by schedules, deadlines, and technology, Johnson emphasizes the importance of developing keen awareness of blackberry moments. He advocates putting away smartphones, looking beyond scheduled commitments, and embracing spontaneous conversations, acts of kindness, and opportunities for engagement that each day presents.

Johnson suggests these occurrences aren’t mere coincidences but deliberate interactions orchestrated by a divine presence deeply involved in our lives. By maintaining an attitude of openness and alertness to life’s unexpected moments, he believes we can access deeper happiness, appreciation, and engagement with our surroundings. These are the moments that transform ordinary life into something extraordinary.

Exercises: Notice & Appreciate Blackberry Moments

The following exercises can help you notice and appreciate life’s unexpected moments.


  1. Start a one-sentence journal where you write down one simple thing you appreciated each day. This could be as simple as the warmth of the sun or a kind smile from a stranger. The brevity makes it manageable and encourages you to find joy in the small moments.
  2. Create a “Moment of Beauty” alarm on your phone to go off at random times during the day. When the alarm sounds, take a minute to look around and find something beautiful or extraordinary in that moment. It could be as simple as the way sunlight filters through a window or the laughter of someone nearby.
  3. Start a reflection journal to document and interpret unexpected events in your life. Each time something unplanned happens, write it down, and consider what potential message or lesson it could carry. This practice can help you find meaning in events that might otherwise seem random or insignificant.


  1. Engage in a weekly “Blackberry Fast” where you choose one day to disconnect from digital devices and unnecessary commitments, allowing you to focus on personal well-being and direct interaction with your environment. Use this time to engage in activities that ground you in the present, such as nature walks, meditation, or quality time with loved ones.
  2. Implement a “Smartphone Swap” challenge with a partner or friend where you exchange smartphones for a set period, like an hour or an afternoon. The unfamiliarity with the other person’s device and the absence of your own personalized notifications and apps can reduce the urge to check the phone constantly, helping you to focus on the present moment and the world around you.
  3. Turn waiting times into engagement opportunities by carrying a small puzzle or game with you. When you find yourself in a waiting room or in line, invite someone nearby to join you in the activity. This can break down barriers and create a shared moment of connection in otherwise isolated situations.


  1. Initiate a monthly “Relationship Checkpoint” with close friends or family members where you discuss recent events that have either strengthened or challenged your relationship. Use this time to express gratitude, address any misunderstandings, and plan activities that can further enhance your bond. This proactive approach ensures that critical moments are acknowledged and built upon, rather than overlooked.
  2. Explore the dynamics of relationships formed in professional settings by initiating a workplace community support program. Start by identifying common interests or challenges among colleagues, such as financial literacy or work-life balance, and create a peer support group where members can share experiences and advice, fostering deeper connections that may evolve beyond the professional realm.
  3. Create a “Yes, And” rule for conversations for a week. Whenever someone proposes an idea or suggestion, respond with “Yes, and … ” to build on it instead of dismissing it. This practice encourages a mindset of acceptance and expansion, leading to a greater appreciation for the contributions of others and the unexpected directions discussions can take.


  1. Introduce a “Yes Day” where you say yes to things you typically wouldn’t do, within reason and safety. If a friend invites you to an impromptu gathering or you get a last-minute opportunity to attend a workshop, go for it. This doesn’t mean abandoning all responsibilities but rather being open to new experiences without over-scheduling every moment. It’s about allowing life to surprise you, much like stumbling upon a patch of wild blackberries when you least expect it.
  2. Set up a weekly “Exploration Hour” where you purposefully seek out something in your environment that you haven’t noticed before. This could be as simple as taking a different route on your walk and discovering a hidden garden or observing the behavior of birds in your backyard.
  3. Engage in improvisational activities, such as impromptu storytelling or ad-lib games, which can be done alone or with others. For instance, start a story with a random sentence and continue building it without planning ahead, or play a game where you must come up with creative uses for common household items. These exercises encourage you to think on your feet and embrace spontaneity in a fun and low-pressure environment.
  4. Develop a personal health journal that includes not only daily entries on physical health but also notes on emotional well-being and social support interactions. This can help you track patterns over time and identify what types of support are most effective for you during health challenges.

Blackberry Moments: Ernie Johnson Jr. Welcomes the Unexpected

Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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