Do you need examples of 4DX lead measures? What should you track and why? For 4DX lead measures, examples focus on the example of a bottling plant. There are two types of lead measures for these examples to help you understand how they work. Read on for the 4DX lead measures examples and types.
Hans Eysenck and the Introvert Comfort Zone
Who was Hans Eysenck and what did he study? How did his research explain the comfort zone each person has based on their temperament? Hans Eysenck was a psychologist who studied the effects of environmental stimulation on introverts and extroverts. He found that working in a zone of comfortable stimulation levels led to better performance. Read more about Hans Eysenck, his research, and how to apply it.
4DX Commitments: How to Choose Strategy & More
Are you a leader trying to choose what to commit to for your goals and lead measures? Is there a strategy for choosing 4DX commitments? In 4DX, commitments come after you’ve set WIGs and lead measures. The commitments you select will help achieve the lead measures. Keep reading for how to choose 4DX commitments to support success on your WIGs.
The Importance of Social Media for Introverts
What is the importance of social media for introverts? How can going online make communication easier? Social media, for introverts, may be preferable to in-person communication. It allows distance and reflection before responding that can make connecting more comfortable. Keep reading for more about the benefits of social media for introverts.
Netflix: Radical Transparency At All Times
What is the Netflix radical transparency approach? How is this strategy implemented in real-life scenarios? At Netflix, radical transparency is a way of life. Even when it isn’t easy or simple, Reed Hastings has committed to this level of candor with staff. Read more about Netflix, radical transparency, and how it works in practice.
Examples of Empathy in the Workplace: Show You Care
Are you looking for examples of empathy in the workplace? How can you show you care without being unprofessional? In Trillion Dollar Coach, empathy is critical to being a good manager and colleague. Examples of empathy in the workplace impacted the culture at companies including Google, Intuit, and Twitter. Read on for some real-life examples of empathy in the workplace.
Culture of Character: A Relic From the Past
What is a culture of character? How does it differ from a culture of personality and which does society currently default to? A culture of character is the idea that people in society are judged on their ethics, values, and reliability. In contrast, a culture of personality relies on things like charisma and likeability. Read more about how American society has shifted from a culture of character to a culture of personality, and what that means for introverts.
The 4 Disciplines of Execution Discussion Questions
Are you looking for The 4 Disciplines of Execution discussion questions? Do you want help reflecting on and apply the book’s lessons? The 4 Disciplines of Execution discussion questions focus on the key lessons of the book. These exercises help you think about the best way to apply them to your own life and workplace. Read on for a list of The 4 Disciplines of Execution discussion questions.
Improving Team Performance: Shift the Curve
What is the key to improving team performance? How does team performance differ from individual performance? Improving team performance is about shifting the entire curve of performance rates for your whole team. To make a meaningful difference, everyone has to start performing better. Keep reading for strategies for improving team performance.
Introvert to Extrovert: Is It Possible to Change?
Is it possible to go from an introvert to an extrovert? How fixed is anyone’s personality or temperament? You can go from being an introvert to an extrovert, but that change wouldn’t be permanent. Realistically, what happens is that some people are good at acting like the other personality type based on the demands of a given situation. Read on to see how to go from introvert to extrovert temporarily.