What are Dave Ramsey’s tips for financial health? How do Dave Ramsey’s tips help you overcome obstacles? Dave Ramsey’s tips are focused on a variety of issues related to controlling your money. Total Money Makeover identifies the obstacles you need to overcome to get on the path to financial health. Read on for more about Dave Ramsey, tips for financial health, and the obstacles that may be in your way.
White Fragility Discussion Questions: 9 Exercises
Do you need White Fragility discussion questions? How can a White Fragility discussion guide help you delve further into the themes of White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo? These White Fragility discussion questions highlight meritocracy and how to challenge racism. Use this White Fragility discussion guide to better understand the book. Read on for nine exercises on the list of White Fragility discussion questions.
Jim Crow Laws: Housing and Financial Penalties
What is the relationship between Jim Crow laws and housing? How do Jim Crow laws’ housing penalties further the racial divide? Under Jim Crow laws, housing penalties increase the impact of mass incarceration. Without access to public housing, there is a greater risk of recidivism. Read more about Jim Crow laws, housing penalties, and other financial penalties.
Oversupply: The Downside of Being Too Good
What is oversupply? How does performance oversupply create opportunities for disruptive innovation? Oversupply, specifically performance oversupply, is an excess of features for a given product or industry. Established firms may commit to these top-tier products that provide more performance than customers care about. Read more about performance oversupply and the opportunities for disruptive innovation.
Sustaining Innovations: Better Without Disruption
What are sustaining innovations? How does sustaining technology help existing companies? Sustaining innovations are technological improvements that build on what already exists. Sustaining innovation examples include improved models of computers or phones—the market is the same but you might capture a greater share. Read on to understanding sustaining innovations.
The Myth of Individualism: Society is in Control
What is the myth of individualism? How does the individual perspective prevent people from seeing the realities of society? The myth of individualism is the mistaken belief that everything we get is earned. Understanding societal prejudices, privileges, and luck challenges this myth. Read more about the myth of individualism.
Dave Ramsey Tools: 15 Questions From Total Money
What are the Dave Ramsey tools for financial health? What questions help you implement his tips? Dave Ramsey’s tools are offered throughout Total Money Makeover. Thinking through them with the Total Money Makeover workbook. Read on for 15 questions to help you apply the Dave Ramsey tools.
Baby Step 2: Tackle Your Debt First, Then Build Wealth
What is baby step 2 of the Total Money Makeover program? What is the Debt Snowball? Baby step 2 is to pay off your debts. You start with the smallest debt and work up from there. Read more about baby step 2 of the Total Money Makeover program.
Dave Ramsey: How to Pay Off Debt and Stay Debt-Free
Do you want to know how to become debt free? What is the advice of Dave Ramsey on how to pay off debt? The Debt Snowball Method is, for Dave Ramsey, how to pay off debt. You tackle your debts one at a time to snowball into big results. Read more about Dave Ramsey, how to pay off debt, and how to become debt free.
Unintentional Racism Is Common in White Spaces
What is unintentional racism? How does unintentional discrimination occur in white spaces? Unintentional racism is the result of the implicit conditioning of white supremacist ideas. The way spaces are instinctively viewed based on race is a prime example of unintentional discrimination. Read on to better understand unintentional racism and how it manifests in daily life.