What is a disruptive innovation model for change? What should a company consider in evaluating any disruptive innovation model? A disruptive innovation model can identify options for change. When facing a disruptive innovation, there are options for changes to adapt. Read more to understand the disruptive innovation model and how it can help identify strategies for handling these changes.
The Total Money Makeover: All You Need to Know
What is the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey? How can the Total Money Makeover revolutionize your life? The Total Money Makeover is a program and a book by Dave Ramsey. You can set yourself up for financial peace of mind. Read more about the Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
A Racial Hierarchy Exists in The United States
What is a racial hierarchy? Is there a racial hierarchy in the United States? A racial hierarchy is a system in which some races are given preferential treatment over other races. It may also be referred to as a caste system. Read on to better understand the racial hierarchy in the United States.
The Dave Ramsey Plan for Financial Health
What is the Dave Ramsey plan? How does the Dave Ramsey plan help you take control of your financial health? The Dave Ramsey plan, also known as the Total Money Makeover program, is a process for taking control of financial life. You have to confront problems and take action. Read on to better understand the Dave Ramsey plan, its origins, and how it might work for you.
The Debt Snowball: Rolling Through Your Debts
What is the debt snowball? How does the debt snowball help you pay off debt quickly? The debt snowball is a method for paying off debt. Using the momentum of a snowball, Dave Ramsey shows you how you can pay off your debts. Read on for more about the debt snowball, Dave Ramsey, and financial health.
Baby Step 1 of Money Makeover: Create an Emergency Fund
What is baby step 1 of the Total Money Makeover program? What is an emergency fund? Baby step 1 is to create a $1000 emergency fund. This emergency savings is an essential backup as you work through the Total Money Makeover program. Read more about baby step 1 of the Total Money Makeover program.
Denying Racism Doesn’t Make it Go Away: Here’s Why
What does it mean to be denying racism? What does “colorblind racism” mean? The issue of denying racism is that you claim, “I don’t see color” instead confronting the issue. You cannot ignore the problem of racism by ignoring the idea of race. Read more about colorblind racism and how it relates to the issue of denying racism.
Technology Disruptors: When Do They Work Best?
What are technology disruptors? What scenarios create the best environment for tech disruptors? A technology disruptor is a new product that changes up the market. Instead of building on something existing by moving to the next phase of the product life cycle, technology disruptors create a new market that competes on all phases of the product life cycle. Read more about technology disruptors and how they work in the context of product life cycles.
Market Disruptor: Shaking Up Successful Companies
What is a market disruptor? How does disrupting markets provide an advantage to innovators? A market disruptor is an innovation that can shake established industry leaders. The strategy of disrupting markets can help those that pioneer new technologies. Read more about what a market disruptor is and how it can affect an established company.
Origins of Racism: Do We Know How it Started?
What are the origins of racism? Do we understand where race-based discrimination started? The origins of racism require understanding when the idea of race came to be. The way modern society thinks of race is a concept that started in the 16th century and it was used to rationalize killing indigenous people and kidnapping black Africans. Read on to better understand the origins of racism and race.