White Fragility by Robin Diangelo: Key Insights

White Fragility by Robin Diangelo: Key Insights

What is White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo? How does the White Fragility author explain the challenges white progressives face when confronting racism? White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo is about the challenges white people face when trying to talk about racism. Their own discomfort prevents them from talking about their own complicity, especially for white progressives. Keep reading for some of the key concepts in White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo.

Race Is a Social Construct, Not a Biological Fact

Race Is a Social Construct, Not a Biological Fact

Did you know race is a social construct? How does this work and how do we know that race is a social construct? Race is a social construct because there is no biological justification for differentiating between races. So, how is race a social construct? The physical differences do not, on their own, create any meaningful differences between people, but we’ve created difference based on race in our society. Read on to better understand why race is a social construct.

7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom: What Are They?

7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom: What Are They?

What are the 7 baby steps to financial freedom from Total Money Makeover? How do the 7 baby steps to financial freedom come together to change your life? The 7 baby steps to financial freedom are the parts of the Total Money Makeover program. They start with a $1000 emergency fund and end with enjoying your financial freedom. Read on for the 7 baby steps to financial freedom and what they mean.