What is good sleep? How do you enhance your quality of sleep? If you’re wondering, “what is good sleep?” the answer is more complicated than just a minimum number of hours. In The 4-Hour Body, quality of sleep is a multi-faceted measurement of brain activity, sleep cycles, and blood sugar. Read on to answer the question: what is good sleep?
The Garden of Your Mind and How to Cultivate It
What is the garden of your mind? How does The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari use a garden as a metaphor? The garden of your mind is a metaphor used in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. Your mind should be thought of as a garden that requires care. Read more about the garden of your mind and what it means in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
A Child Called ‘It’ Author: Criticisms of Dave Pelzer
Who is the author of A Child Called “It”? Is there any controversy around A Child Called “It” and its author? The A Child Called “It” author has faced some controversy and criticism around the book. The issues focus on profiting from abuse and the belief that some of it may be exaggerated. Read more about A Child Called “It”, the author, and the criticisms.
The Tim Ferriss Slow Carb Diet: Radical Body Changes
What is the Tim Ferriss Slow Carb Diet? How can the Tim Ferriss Slow Carb Diet help you reach your body goals? The Tim Ferriss Slow Carb Diet is the meal plan in The 4-Hour Body. It requires you to limit most carbs six days a week and eat more protein. Read more about the Tim Ferriss Slow Carb Diet and how to implement it in your life.
Sages of Sivana: Found in a Hidden Mountain Village
Who are the Sages of Sivana in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari? How do the Great Sages of Sivana help Julian Mantle? The Sages of Sivana are a group that live in a hidden mountain oasis. They have the keys to living a joyful and fulfilling life, if you are willing to learn. Read more about the Great Sages of Sivana and what they did for Julian Mantle in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
How to Find the Right Job: Knowing What You Want
What job is right for you? Do you know how to find the right job? Finding the right job is not always easy. What Color Is Your Parachute? offers 7 worksheets on how to find the right job. Keep reading for the Parachute book’s strategies for how to find the right job.
How to Figure Out What You Want to Do in Life: 3 Methods
Do you know how to figure out what you want to do? What are some methods for finding the career you want? What Color Is Your Parachute? is a practical guide to searching for a job. If you want to know how to figure out what you want to do, you can consider one of the three methods highlighted in the Parachute book. Read more about the three methods for how to figure out what you want to do.
Signs of Child Abuse in A Child Called ‘It’
What are the signs of child abuse in A Child Called “It”? How was David Pelzer finally saved and were there signs of child abuse that were missed at first? In A Child Called “It” David experiences child abuse for most of his time in elementary school. Despite being physically abused and mostly starved, it took several years for the signs of child abuse to result in him being removed from the home. See what the signs of child abuse in the book were and how they might have been missed.
Julian Mantle: The Lawyer Who Became a Monk
Who is Julian Mantle in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari? How does the attorney end up becoming a monk? Julian Mantle is the main character in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma. After a heart attack, Julian has a wake-up call and gives up his stressful life. Read more about the story of Julian Mantle from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.
Bridge-People Are Often the Key to Your Dream Job
What are bridge-people? How are bridge-people the key to getting the job of your dreams? A bridge-person is someone that connects you to another person or organization. When you’re researching jobs or companies you want to work for, bridge-people can make the introductions you need. Keep reading to better understand bridge-people.