Who is David Pelzer? How did David Pelzer live through school while being abused at home? A Child Called “It” is the book David Pelzer wrote about his childhood spent being abused by his mother. The abuse takes place over the course of his elementary school years. Read more about David Pelzer as a child and his elementary school years.
Exercises for Better Posture Using the Egoscue Method
Are you looking to improve your posture? What are some exercises for better posture according to The 4-Hour Body? These exercises for better posture come from The 4-Hour Body. Using the Egoscue method, these stretches for posture can help you straighten up. Keep reading for the exercises for better posture from the Egoscue Method.
The 10X Rule Book: Rethink How You Seek Success
What is The 10X Rule book about? How does The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone reframe the requirements to achieve success? The 10X Rule book is about extraordinary success and what it requires. You have to aim significantly higher and do significantly more to get the biggest achievements. Keep reading for an overview of the key messages of The 10X Rule book.
Occam’s Protocol: Gaining Significant Muscle
What is Occam’s Protocol? How can it help you build muscle? Occam’s Protocol is a program developed by Tim Ferriss and shared in The 4-Hour Body. It is a training plan inspired by bodybuilders. Keep reading to learn about Occam’s Protocol.
Biopuncture and Other Invasive Options for Injuries
Have you considered biopuncture to treat an injury? What is biopuncture and how can it help? Biopuncture is an injury treatment option that uses shallow injections. After exercises and physical therapy, it is one of the more invasive options available to you. Read more about biopuncture, prolo injections, AMIT, and active-release therapy.
The 10X Planner: How to Apply the 10X Rule
What is the 10X planner? How does this strategy help you apply the lessons of the The 10X Rule? The 10X planner is a strategy for implementing the 10X rule for your goals. There are 4 lessons you need to incorporate for an effective 10X planner. Read more about using the 10x planner.
A Child Called ‘It’ Discussion Questions: 5 Exercises
Are you looking for A Child Called “It” discussion questions? How can you better understand the perspective in the book? A Child Called “It” is about horrifying abuse and it highlights that abuse and neglect are not that rare. A Child Called “It” discussion questions can help you think about Dave Pelzer and how he overcame the trauma of his childhood. Keep reading for 5 A Child Called “It” discussion questions and the context behind them.
Tim Ferriss: Weight Loss Tips for the Stubborn Fat
What are some tips for weight loss from Tim Ferriss? How did these tips help The 4-Hour Body author Tim Ferriss with weight loss? Weight loss by Tim Ferriss is an inspiration for the strategies in The 4-Hour Body. Ferriss was able to change his body significantly, including shedding the last bit of fat that is often the hardest to lose. Read more about Tim Ferriss, weight loss, and The 4-Hour Body.
Body Recomp Measurements: Tracking Progress
What is body recomposition? How do you take measurements for body recomp? The 4-Hour Body is all about body recomp and how to achieve it. In order to move from fat to muscle, you need to be able to accurately track the measurements. Keep reading to better understand how to take measurements for body recomp.
10X Success: Why People Fail to Achieve Big Goals
What is the notion of success in The 10X Rule? Why is 10X success so hard to achieve? 10X success is the concept of extraordinary results, or ten times bigger than you’d previously imagined. According to Grant Cardone, success of this magnitude escapes people because they’re taking the wrong approach. Read more about the concept of 10X success and why people don’t always achieve it.