Racism in School Funding Is a Type of Spatial Racism

The Importance of Continuous Learning to Life Success

Is there racism in school funding? What are the effects of racism in school funding and is there anything that can be done? Racism in school funding is the result of the preferential treatment for areas used predominantly by White people. Starting with segregated school districts and continuing to the difference between historically black and historically white colleges today, these inequities continue to be seen. Keep reading to understand the issue of racism in school funding.

Ghetto Neighborhoods: Another Racist Stereotype

Ghetto Neighborhoods: Another Racist Stereotype

What are “ghetto” neighborhoods? How does space racism contribute to this offensive stereotype about predominantly Black communities? Ghetto neighborhoods is a racist term used to describe Black neighborhoods. The reality is that predominantly Black areas were formed as a result of racism and space racism keeps these communities from receiving adequate resources for public services. Keep reading to understand the relationship between space racism and the “ghetto” neighborhoods stereotype.

Tim Ferriss: Tips for Body Recomposition

Tim Ferriss: Tips for Body Recomposition

Are you looking for tips from Tim Ferriss? What are the top Tim Ferriss tips from The 4-Hour Body? The 4-Hour Body is about the recomposition of your body with the right strategies that work for you. The tips from Tim Ferriss include advice about diet, exercise, supplements, and temperature manipulation. Read more about Tim Ferriss, tips for body recomp, and The 4-Hour Body.

The Middle Class Trap: Don’t Settle for Average

The Middle Class Trap: Don’t Settle for Average

What is the middle class trap? How does it relate to an average mindset, and why is that problematic? The middle class trap is the idea that pursuing the dream of being “middle class” actually means you’d be trapped in a struggle when you should aim higher. In terms of The 10X Rule, it is like an average mindset in which you don’t aim for better and end up stuck at mediocre. Keep reading to better understand the middle class trap and how it exemplifies the problematic, average mindset.