How does Pixar handle creativity and innovation management? What are the strategies for embracing creativity while keeping on track towards business goals? Creativity and innovation management is all about creating a framework that supports new ideas. While it may not always be simple or straightforward, creativity and innovation management is essential to Pixar’s success. Read more about strategies for creativity and innovation management.
Employee Growth Plans Can Meet Everyone’s Needs
What are employee growth plans and why do you need them? How should you work with your employees to create them? Employee growth plans set up individual employees to progress on a trajectory of improvement. Also known as an employee professional development plan, they’re based on the individual’s own aspirations and abilities. Keep reading for advice from Radical Candor on how to create employee growth plans.
Radical Candor Exercises to Encourage Team Bonding
Are you trying to get your team to bond? Do you need radical candor exercises and tips to help develop these relationships? These radical candor exercises offer strategies for team bonding. Strong and trusting relationships are essential for a culture of radical candor. Keep reading for radical candor exercises.
Kim Scott: Google Shows a Culture of Radical Candor
How does Kim Scott see Google implementing a culture of radical candor? What can you learn from Google’s practices? According to Kim Scott, Google has a culture of radical candor. There are several examples that show radical candor in practice at Google. Keep reading for more examples of radical candor at Google from Kim Scott.
How to Write Goals: 10X Rule Helps You Think Big
Do you want to know how to write goals that can help you achieve incredible success? What mindset do you need and how should you frame your aspirations? In The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, learning how to write goals is essential to achieving success. When you’re formulating goals, you shouldn’t limit yourself in an effort to be “realistic.” Instead, you should try to set big goals. Keep reading to learn how to write goals according to The 10X Rule.
Healthy Debate Culture Is Essential for Radical Candor
What is a healthy debate culture? How can you ensure a lively and honest discussion without it devolving into an argument? A culture of radical candor needs a healthy debate culture. Ideas can be discussed and improved, but people have to be able to debate issues without feelings getting hurt. Read on for six methods to build a healthy debate culture.
Build a Culture of Candor: The Boss Leads the Way
Are you trying to build a culture of candor? Who is responsible and what does it take? As the boss, you can build a culture of candor. If you get there, you can create a workplace that is fulfilling, collaborative, and effective. Read more about how to build a culture of candor and what that means.
Building Trusting Relationships for Radical Candor
Are you trying to develop a culture of radical candor? What goes into building trusting relationships and why is it important for candor? Building trusting relationships is an essential first step to creating a workplace that is radically candid. If people feel safe and seen at work, the feedback is easier to give and receive and collaboration is more effective. Keep reading for tips on building trusting relationships at work.
Manipulative Insincerity & Leads to Bad Feedback
What happens when your feedback comes without caring personally for the person you’re speaking to? How do manipulative insincerity and obnoxious aggression prevent a culture of radical candor? Manipulative insincerity is a type of feedback that doesn’t challenge people to improve and doesn’t come from caring personally. Obnoxious aggression does challenge, but does so without caring. Keep reading to better understand manipulative insincerity and obnoxious aggression, and how they fall short of radical candor.
Low Performers: How to Support Them and Your Team
Do you have low performers on your team? How do you support them and help out the entire team who might be picking up the slack? Low performers can be a challenge for the organization and for you as a manager. If everyone has to fill in where one person is falling short, there might be resentment towards the poor performing employee. Keep reading for more about managing low performers.