Creativity, Inc. Book Club Questions: 23 Exercises

Creativity, Inc. Book Club Questions: 23 Exercises

Are you looking for Creativity, Inc. book club questions? How do you apply the lessons of the book to your own creative aspirations or creative workplace? These 23 Creativity, Inc. book club questions explore key management strategies. They are especially helpful in the context of managing creative work and creative teams. Read on for a list of Creativity, Inc. book club questions separated by topic area.

Story Is King: This Motto Proved Useless at Pixar

Story Is King: This Motto Proved Useless at Pixar

What does the “Story is King” motto mean? Why did Pixar adapt and then abandon this motto? Pixar used to believe that the principle of “Story is King” would help bring success. Unfortunately, a good idea isn’t enough if you don’t have a great team to execute it in the right way. Pixar learned that the hard way when Toy Story 2 production didn’t go as planned. Read more about the “Story is King” principle and what Pixar’s revised principles are.

Theories of Reproduction and Birth Control

Theories of Reproduction and Birth Control

Why do animals choose to reproduce and why do they choose to control birth rates? What are the different theories of reproduction and birth control that explain these behaviors? Theories of reproduction consider altruistic and selfish reasons for foregoing reproduction and using birth control. The Wynne-Edwards theory argues that there are natural rules for keeping animal populations in check. Read on to understand theories of reproduction and how they apply the Wynne-Edwards theory of population control.

Why Does Life Exist on Earth? To Keep Surviving

Why Does Life Exist on Earth? To Keep Surviving

Why does life exist on Earth? What is Richard Dawkins’ perspective on the philosophical question about the purpose of life? According to Richard Dawkins, the purpose of life is to survive. So, why does life exist on Earth, or anywhere? In The Selfish Gene, the goal is to keep replicating genes and ensuring their survival. Read on for the answer to the following question: why does life exist on Earth?

The Origin of the Word “Meme” Isn’t What You Think

The Origin of the Word “Meme” Isn’t What You Think

What is the origin of the word “meme?” How was the word used before it became a core part of our internet vernacular? The origin of the word “meme” comes from a Greek word. The first use of the word meme was in the book The Selfish Gene, but is now better known as a funny captioned image. Read more about the origin of the word “meme” and how it is used in The Selfish Gene.