Are You a Survival Machine? Evolution Says Yes

Are You a Survival Machine? Evolution Says Yes

What does it mean to be a survival machine? How are animals, including humans, designed for survival? A survival machine is a term Richard Dawkins uses to describe the way organisms function. In The Selfish Gene, the perspective of the universe focuses on how everything can be explained by the goal of replicating genes. Keep reading to understand the concept of a survival machine and what that means in the context of genetics.

The Milk and Honey Author on Finding Self-Love

The Milk and Honey Author on Finding Self-Love

What lessons does milk and honey author Rupi Kaur explore in her poetry collection? What does this say about her personal journey of finding self-love and self-worth? Rupi Kaur started childhood feeling like she wasn’t worth much. After the milk and honey author found self-worth, a tumultuous breakup challenged her views on herself. Read more about the milk and honey author and her journey to self-love.

Kin Selection: The Danger of Putting Family First

Kin Selection: The Danger of Putting Family First

What is kin selection? How does kin selection disadvantage some family members and prioritize others? Kin selection is a situation in nature where some relatives allow themselves to be put at a disadvantage for the benefit of others. When there are limited resources, they have to be divided between parents and children and between mates. Read more about kin selection and how it works.

Genetic Replication and the Paradox of Reproduction

Genetic Replication and the Paradox of Reproduction

What is genetic replication? How is replication influenced by sexual reproduction? In The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins argues that genetic replication is the main purpose of life and can explain all behaviors in nature. However, sexual reproduction as a means of passing on DNA calls that theory into question. Keep reading to understand genetic replication and how sexual reproduction is a paradox.

Robert Axelrod: The Prisoner’s Dilemma Simulation

Robert Axelrod: The Prisoner’s Dilemma Simulation

Who is Robert Axelrod? How does his simulation of the Prisoner’s dilemma explain survival tactics in nature? Robert Axelrod created a tournament in which programmers designed a program to respond to the Prisoner’s Dilemma. The lessons learned showed how species might balance cooperation and competition to reach an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy. Read more about Robert Axelrod and the application of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to evolution.