Do we know how extroverts think? How does it differ from the way introverts think and what does this mean for management? How extroverts think depends on the specific situation. One area of clear difference between introverts and extroverts is the thought process on risks. Extroverts are significantly more likely to engage in risky behavior, indicating that how extroverts think about risk and calculating risk is different from their introverted counterparts. Keep reading for more about how extroverts think.
The Culture Map: How to Use This Tool at Work
What is the culture map and how does Netflix use it? How can it help you better understand the different cultures of people you work with? A culture map is a tool that maps out key characteristics of a given culture. Understanding points of overlap and deviation help you communicate better across cultures. Read more about the culture map as a tool and how Netflix was able to use it successfully.
Expense Reimbursement Policy: Do You Need One?
What is an expense reimbursement policy and why do companies have them? How did Netflix get rid of its policies for reimbursing travel and expenses? An expense reimbursement policy is a set of rules for what a company will and will not pay for when its employees are on official business or travel. At Netflix, Reed Hastings moved away from a traditional policy and just set general guidelines while allowing employees to exercise their judgment. Keep reading for more about the change to the expense reimbursement policy at Netflix.
Elaine Aron: Highly Sensitive Person Research Findings
What did Elaine Aron find in her highly sensitive person research? How do these findings relate to introverts? According to Elaine Aron, a highly sensitive person (HSP) has 27 characteristics based on research. Of HSPs, 70% are introverts so introverts are often associated with these traits. Keep reading for more about Elaine Aron, highly sensitive person research, and introverts.
Soft Power and Hard Power: Cultural Differences
What is the difference between soft power and hard power? Where do you see these different forms of power? Soft power and hard power are ways of describing the preference for an extrovert ideal or not. In Asian cultures, soft power is appreciated more than the hard power revered in American society. Keep reading to better understand soft power and hard power.
No Rules Rules Quotes: 3 Passages to Remember
Are you looking for some No Rules Rules quotes? How are the main messages of the book about Netflix management captured in its key passages? These No Rules Rules quotes highlight some of the main lessons from author and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. These quotes from the book focus on performance, feedback, and autonomy. Read on for three No Rules Rules quotes and what they mean.
Free Trait Theory Explains How Personality Changes
What is the free trait theory? How can it help explain the way people are able to have seemingly different personalities for different situations? Free trait theory is the idea that some of our personality traits are changeable. Other psychologists argue that personality is fixed. Read more about free trait theory.
Cultural Inheritance is Passed Down Just Like Genes
What is culture and how does it spread? How does cultural inheritance compare to genetic inheritance? Cultural inheritance spreads just like genetic inheritance. Culture is replicated in minds and genes are replicated in the bodies. Keep reading for more about cultural inheritance and the evolution of culture.
Competition for Limited Resources & Genetic Survival
How does the competition for limited resources affect genetics? What factors can influence competition between animals? The competition for limited resources creates natural conflict in the animal world. In The Selfish Gene, the competition is expected because the goal is to ensure your genes live on. Read more about the competition for limited resources and how it relates to genetics, as described in The Selfish Gene.
The Extended Phenotype: Selfishness Beyond the Gene
What is the extended phenotype? How does it help reframe biology from the genetic perspective? The extended phenotype begins with Richard Dawkins’ premise that life is all about replicating genes. So, the extended phenotype explains biology using the gene-first context. Read more about the extended phenotype and how it works.