The Effect of Endocrine Disruptors on Testosterone in Your Body

A man playing basketball outside represents endocrine disruptors' effect on testosterone

How do endocrine disruptors cause a decline in testosterone? How does testosterone travel through the body? Testosterone plays a big part in your physical and mental health. But, in the presence of estrogenics—one of the known endocrine disruptors—testosterone decreases rapidly, which can lead to major problems. Continue reading for more information on the effect of estrogenics on testosterone.

How to Write Employee Reviews: The 3 Parts of an Evaluation

A female manager who knows how to write employee reviews, writing on a clipboard while evaluating a male employee.

Is it time for you to evaluate employees? What are the three parts of an employee review? Claire Hughes Johnson points out that managers should implement formal reviews that occur on a consistent basis. Such reviews have three parts: gathering feedback from various sources, adjusting that feedback to account for irregularities, and determining any changes to compensation. Discover how to write employee reviews that are thorough and helpful.

What Is a Business Operating System? A Company’s Outline

Several workers sitting at a table for a meeting on the business' operating system.

What is a business operating system? How does accountability improve a company? Claire Hughes Johnson notes that your operating system—the set of underlying norms that outline how your company functions—allows your company to function effectively. She discusses three subsystems that are essential to your operating system: constructing strategy, ensuring accountability, and fostering communication. Here’s more on the three subsystems of a business operating system.

Estrogen in Plastic: You May Be Drinking Harmful Estrogenics

A plastic Coca-Cola bottle and a plastic water bottle illustrate the harms of estrogen in plastic

Is there estrogen in plastic? How does the presence of estrogenics in water bottles affect your health? There are two types of estrogenics found in plastic bottles: phthalates and Bisphenol A & S. These chemicals pose a potential health risk to consumers, but there’s hardly any work being done to remove them. Keep reading to learn about the effects of harmful estrogen in plastics.

Endocrine Disruptors in Cosmetics: Are Makeup & Soap Harmful?

A woman applying makeup with a brush illustrates the harms of endocrine disruptors in cosmetics

Is every type of sunscreen or cleanser good for your skin? Are there endocrine disruptors in cosmetics? Estrogenics are a category of endocrine disrupters that interfere with your hormones, targeting estrogen receptors. Unfortunately, even though sunscreen and soap are essential skincare products, endocrine disruptors are commonly found in them. Discover more about endocrine disruptors in cosmetic products.

How to Mentor Employees: 2 Approaches for Great Advisors

A man who knows how to mentor people, sitting in front of there people at a table.

Do you know how to mentor employees? What is inquisitive coaching? Claire Hughes Johnson recognizes that management’s work doesn’t end with the formation of a thriving team. On the contrary, she holds that managers should continue to develop the skills of their employees through active instruction. Let’s discuss Hughes Johnson’s informal approach to mentoring employees.

How to Feel Positive Emotions: 3 Sources of Energy

A woman who knows how to feel positive emotions, smiling and holding balloons

Do you know how to feel positive emotions? How does connecting with other people make you feel good? Ali Abdaal says there are three sources of positive emotions that he calls energizers. While there are any number of things that can help you feel good—and therefore make you more productive—they all tie back to one or more of these fundamental sources.  Let’s discuss each of Abdaal’s three sources of well-being: having fun, empowering yourself, and connecting with other people.