Emotional Regulation for Parents: The Mindfulness Strategy

A mother holding a jar of angry emotions as emotional regulation for parents

Are you overwhelmed as a parent? What are key strategies for emotional regulation for parents? It can be hard to get your point across to your kids when you’re angry and stressed. No matter how hard the job can be, you need to regulate your own emotions to set an example for your children. Here’s how parents can use mindfulness to regulate themselves in times of stress.

The RAIN Meditation for Parents: Accepting Your Emotions

A mother meditating with her baby in her lap

How helpful is meditation for parents? What’s the RAIN meditation? Hunter Clarke-Fields says that developing a mindfulness practice and increasing your self-awareness can help minimize your stress and emotional outbursts. However, she emphasizes that difficult emotions are natural—for parents and children—and you shouldn’t feel any shame for having them.  Continue reading to learn how meditation can change your life as a parent.

Conflict Resolution for Parents: 4 Steps to Come to a Solution

A mother calmly talking to her sad daughter in a moment of parenting conflict resolution

What’s the most productive method of conflict resolution for parents? How can you tell your child “no” without causing a tantrum? Mindful parenting recognizes that conflicts often arise when there are competing needs between a parent and a child. Rather than resorting to power struggles or permissiveness, mindful parenting aims to resolve conflict through mutual understanding and collaborative problem-solving. Let’s look at how to practice conflict resolution for parents who want to keep their cool.

Parenting Communication Skills: Respect and “I” Statements

A mother talking to her daughter at eye-level, using respectful parenting communication skills

Why doesn’t yelling work when teaching your child right from wrong? How can you communicate to your child with respect? If you want to be closer to your child, communicate with them respectfully. They may be younger and smaller than you, but when you talk to them like adults, they’ll show the same respect back. Take a look at essential parenting communication skills you need to pick up on.

How to Be a Better Parent: 2 Practices to Strengthen Bonds

A mother and father who understand how to be better parents, holding their happy baby outside

Do you want to be the best parent for your child? How does simplifying your space improve your child’s life? According to Hunter Clarke-Fields, building your relationship with your child doesn’t happen all at once. To strengthen your connection, she recommends two key practices: spending focused time with your child and creating a simple, low-stress environment at home.  Discover how to be a better parent by using these two practices.

Active Listening for Parents: Paying Attention to a Child’s Input

A parent practicing active listening with his child

How can you show your child you’re invested in what they have to say? What are the three levels of listening? Listening lays the groundwork for a stronger relationship, writes Hunter Clarke-Fields. When you really listen to your kids, you send them the powerful message that they matter. Keep reading for Clarke-Fields’s advice on active listening for parents.

Trailblazer by Marc Benioff: Book Overview & Takeaways

A business leader in a suit and tie wearing glasses, reading a book in front of a window of a skyscraper building

What’s Trailblazer by Marc Benioff about? What type of business model prioritizes ethics over income? Traditional capitalism is facing increasing scrutiny because of its association with socioeconomic inequality, environmental degradation, and corporate greed. In Trailblazer, Marc Benioff says his company is leading the way forward by practicing a business model that foregrounds ideals over profits and represents the future of capitalism. Read below for a brief overview of Trailblazer.

The Advantages of Ethical Businesses & Their Effect on the World

A group of employees presenting a PowerPoint about the advantages of ethical businesses to managers.

What are the advantages of an ethical business? What type of business model does Salesforce follow? According to Marc Benioff, the best approach to business is to place moral principles at the forefront of organizational decision-making, which is a model called principled business. In this model, profit isn’t the sole driving force; instead, it’s balanced with a commitment to social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and internal fairness and equity. Let’s look at how ethical businesses drive success, using examples from Benioff’s company Salesforce.

How Salesforce Is Getting Ready for the Fifth Industrial Revolution

An advanced futuristic city during the Fifth Industrial Revolution that's full of greenery and trees

What will the Fifth Industrial Revolution look like? How are principled businesses like Salesforce preparing for the Fifth Industrial Revolution? Marc Benioff believes that humanity is on the cusp of the Fifth Industrial Revolution. This is an era where moral responsibility will be built into technological innovation as the industry’s underlying purpose and guiding ethos. Take a look at how Salesforce is getting ahead of the Fifth Industrial Revolution.

Exceptional Customer Service Examples at Salesforce

A man offering exceptional customer service to a woman holding a tablet in a business

What are some examples of outstanding customer service? How does Salesforce serve its customers’ needs? According to Marc Benioff, customer service is one of the most important values at Salesforce. Two of its major forms of service are the software that helps customers manage their business and Salesforce’s annual stakeholder conference. Continue reading to learn more about these exceptional customer service examples.