Why is pain important in life? Can pain be a bearable feeling? Phil Stutz and Barry Michels explain that our natural avoidance of pain—emotional or physical—keeps us from stepping out of our comfort zones and engaging with opportunities that lead to a fulfilling life. For example, if you’re scared of the inevitable pain of losing a pet, you deprive yourself of a meaningful relationship. Check out three reasons why pain can be a good thing.
How to Identify the Different Types of Decision-Making Styles
What are the six factors that motivate people’s decisions? How can you identify a person’s decision-making style? One of Chase Hughes’s components of a behavior profile is a person’s decision-making style. Identifying someone’s decision-making style gives you insight into how they make their choices, enabling you to understand—and potentially influence—those choices. Take a look at how to distinguish between different types of decision-making styles to effectively communicate with someone.
The Potential of Businesses: 2 Tips for Better Ideas & Employees
How can organizations improve themselves to create a better work environment? How high is the potential of businesses? Individuals aren’t the only ones who can reach their full potential. Organizations can always achieve more on a larger scale. Here are two tips that organizations can use to identify and utilize all their workers’ potential.
How to Establish a Purpose-Driven Culture for Your Business
Does your business have a purpose? Why do employees need a reason to feel motivated? Giving employees autonomy and motivating them isn’t enough to build a successful business. Horst Schulze contends that you need to establish a purpose-driven culture to give them a reason to work harder. Learn how to establish a culture where employees have a vision of what they need to achieve.
Trust in Business: Building a Level of Confidence With People
What’s the importance of trust in business? How can you cultivate trust between leaders and employees? To effectively advance your business vision as a product leader, you need to actively build and nurture trust. Not only do you need your employees’s trust, but you need the trust of investors and customers. Continue reading to find out how to gain the trust of the people running your business from the inside and outside.
How to Encourage Innovation in the Workplace
Why is it hard to be innovative at work? What’s the importance of innovation for managers, entrepreneurs, and employees? Innovation doesn’t come naturally to most organizations, and yet it’s a necessity in modern business for people to think like entrepreneurs. Peter F. Drucker argues that even successful companies must make an effort to invest in innovation. Continue reading to learn how to encourage innovation in the workplace.
Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson: Book Overview
What’s Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson about? What factors affect how much you sleep? In Sleep Smarter, Shawn Stevenson explores the importance of sleep and the role of circadian rhythms. He also looks at the impact of one’s sleep environment and the unexpected benefits of sweet potatoes. Read below for a brief overview of Sleep Smarter.
Why Self-Acceptance Is Important (Phil Stutz & Barry Michels)
Why is self-acceptance important? How can you accept yourself, flaws and all? It can be difficult to step out of your comfort zone if you’re insecure about who you are. Phil Stutz and Barry Michels explain that to overcome debilitating doubts about yourself, you need to accept all of your negative attributes and transform them into strengths. Below, we’ll explain why embracing what you least like about yourself helps you overcome social anxiety.
How to Get Information Out of Someone: 4 Influential Techniques
Are you having trouble getting a read on a person? Do you know how to get information out of someone? A behavior profile can be an invaluable tool in understanding, relating to, and influencing someone. However, there may be times when you need even more information from someone—which they may not be eager to share. If you’re stuck in this situation, keep reading to learn how to do some strategic prompting.
The Orientation Process for New Employees: What to Teach
What should new employees learn during their orientation? How can you get your employees motivated from day one? Employees need a concise vision statement that’s easy to remember to feel motivated. A great way of instilling this vision in their minds is by expressing it on their first day. Below, we’ll look at how to incorporate your business’s vision statement into the orientation process for new employees.