Does your staff seem unmotivated? Why do employees need to clear vision of the company’s objectives? Horst Schulze believes that too many managers view their employees as reluctant workers who need to be pushed or coerced into action. Instead, he argues that leaders get better results if they inspire their employees to want to work hard. Check out a couple of ways to motivate your staff to accomplish your goals.
The 3 Benefits of Asking for Help on Your Self-Improvement Journey
How can other people help you on your journey of personal growth? What are the benefits of asking for help? However you optimize your training, reaching your full potential is much more difficult when you try to do it alone. Adam Grant explains that other people can assist your personal growth by giving you guidance, inspiring a sense of purpose in you, and working with you as a team. Let’s explore these three benefits in more detail.
Matt Ridley on Trade vs. Aid: Why Free Trade Is More Beneficial
Which is better, trade vs. aid? What position does Matt Ridley take? Matt Ridley makes the case against foreign aid to developing countries and instead focuses on trade. He believes this is because trade plays a powerful role in benefiting societies. Discover more on why Ridley says trade would be better than foreign aid.
The Power of Pain: How to Train Yourself to Accept Discomfort
What kind of pain is beneficial? How can you embrace pain instead of pushing it away? To help you overcome your limiting fear of pain, Phil Stutz and Barry Michels explain that you should train yourself to embrace pain enthusiastically. Accepting pain helps you step out of your comfort zone and try new things that open doors to opportunities. Let’s take a closer look at the power of pain on your spiritual or psychological journey of self-improvement.
What Are Human Social Needs & How Can You Identify Them?
What are the social needs that every human has? How can you use these social needs as a way to influence people? Identifying human social needs is a key part of Chase Hughes’ strategy for building a person’s behavior profile. Once you know what these needs are, you can use this knowledge as an influential tool. Continue reading to identify and manipulate human social needs.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Book Overview (Drucker)
How do entrepreneurs advance the future? What’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship about? Innovation is the process of discovering new ways of living, working, and doing business. In Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Peter F. Drucker describes innovation as a methodical process to find ways to improve every aspect of business and life. Read below for a brief Innovation and Entrepreneurship book overview.
Employee Autonomy: Building Trust by Cutting the Puppet Strings
What are the benefits of employee autonomy? What does it mean to give employees authority in certain aspects of the business? Horst Schulze states that if you want motivated employees, they need to feel like they have the authority to personally improve the business on a daily basis. This doesn’t mean handing them the keys to the business, but you can offer them the power to solve problems on their own. Check out why you should step aside and give your employees a chance to prove themselves.
How to Ask for Guidance: Adam Grant’s Advice for Pupils
Why is guidance important to reach your goals? How can you ask for guidance from someone who’s been in your position? Adam Grant notes that your ability to teach yourself has limits. Often, you’ll need guidance from others, especially if you’re trying to learn to do something complex where “success” is subjective, like composing a symphony or starting a political career. Check out how to ask for guidance from someone you trust.
What Is an Entrepreneurial Mindset? Thinking With Innovation
How can you gain an entrepreneurial mindset? How are entrepreneurship and innovation different? Entrepreneurship and innovation are buzzwords used so often that their true meanings have eroded. Peter F. Drucker argues that entrepreneurship requires more than simply starting a new business and that innovation takes many shapes beyond inventing new products or techniques. Let’s look at Drucker’s definitions of innovation and entrepreneurship to understand how to have an entrepreneurial mindset.
The Importance of Knowledge Sharing: 4 Benefits in Society
What’s the importance of knowledge sharing? How does trade lead to cultural evolution? Matt Ridley says that humans’ distinguishing characteristic is our penchant for exchanging and accumulating knowledge. We don’t merely hoard knowledge; we share, combine, and build upon it. Let’s take a closer look at how powerful the practice of sharing knowledge can be.