How Women Can Communicate Better at Work: 3 Strategies

Two women communicating in the workplace

What’s the difference between women communicating and men communicating at work? How can you show more confidence in your communication style as a woman? An important aspect of being a successful woman in the workplace is being an effective communicator. Jemma Roedel says this is because men and women communicate in different ways. Let’s look at how women can improve their communication skills at work.

The 4 Best Tarana Burke Quotes From Her Memoir, Unbound

A woman reading a book on her couch in her living room

What are the best Tarana Burke quotes from her book, Unbound? What does she say about self-love, abuse, and unkindness? In Unbound, Tarana Burke discusses her experience with childhood sexual abuse and how community organizing helped her cope with her trauma. She also talks about the factors that led her to find the “me too” movement. Below, we’ll look at quotes from Unbound that summarize her story.

How to Reach Financial Independence: Frugality & Smart Investing

A person who has reached financial independence, raising their arms with a dollar sign and lights around them

Why is financial independence important? Do you want to start being frugal and stop spending money on unnecessary purchases? Brian Tracy argues that to become financially independent, you must cultivate drive and discipline. Lasting wealth is not built overnight—it requires patience, consistency, and living below your means. Continue reading to learn how to reach financial independence.

Women and Imposter Syndrome: The Origin and Solution

A woman with imposter syndrome holding a mask to her face at work

What’s the underlying problem with women’s imposter syndrome? How does imposter syndrome prevent leadership growth? Jemma Rodel says that strong leadership and skillful communication hinge on self-confidence. The problem is that self-confidence is often hard to achieve for women because of imposter syndrome. Below, we’ll define imposter syndrome, explore how it undermines self-confidence, and discuss strategies to combat it.

3 Good Financial Habits According to Brian Tracy

A person making a good financial habit by adding a coin to a piggy bank

Why do you need good financial habits in your personal and professional lives? How can you prove to your boss that you’re worthy of a promotion? There are specific habits that lead to success in different areas of your life. In particular, Brian Tracy has stellar advice for financial success, including entrepreneurial habits and proving your worth as an employee. Continue reading to learn how to embrace three good financial habits.

What to Know About the Effects of Imposter Syndrome

A woman experiencing the effects of imposter syndrome, throwing a trophy away in the trashcan at work

Do you doubt yourself a lot at work? Do you think you’re unworthy of everything you’ve accomplished? According to Jemma Roedel, many women struggle with imposter syndrome in the workplace. Some of the effects include fear of being revealed as a fraud and believing you’re not worthy of your achievements. Discover more about these effects of imposter syndrome to see if you have it.

Why Did Tarana Burke Start “Me Too?” Betrayals & Dead Ends

Activist Tarana Burke talking about why she started me too

Why did Tarana Burke start “me too?” What was the breaking point that led Burke to say those words? Burke says that the betrayals she and her child experienced at Sanders’s hands eroded her trust in and commitment to her community. She’d also hit dead ends when trying to find resources to help her and others who had suffered from childhood sexual abuse and wanted to change that. Let’s check out the moments that led to Burke saying “me too.”

The “Me Too” Movement’s Impact on Tarana Burke & the World

A woman holding up a sign that reads "#MeToo," showing the impact of me too movement

What was the “me too” movement’s impact on the world? How did “me too” turn into a hashtag? The toxicity that enveloped Tarana Burke’s community in Selma pushed her to found the “me too” movement. These developments had a major impact on Burke’s personal life and society as a whole. Check out the impact the “me too” movement had on Burke and the world.

Habit Formation in Psychology: The Characteristics of Habits

A diagram of a human brain with arrows in a circular motion around it, showing habit formation in psychology

What are the characteristics of habits? How can you form good habits? You may not realize it, but approximately 95% of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors stem from habits. Therefore, understanding how to form positive habits is an important part of building a successful life.  Here’s our brief overview of habit formation in psychology to help you learn how to break bad habits and embrace good ones.

How to Get Over Imposter Syndrome: 3 Strategies for Women

A smiling woman who knows how to get over imposter syndrome at work

Do you suffer from imposter syndrome? Do you want to feel more confident in yourself? Jemma Roedel says there are many ways to combat imposter syndrome and improve your self-confidence. Three of her strategies include doing things even when you’re afraid, advocating for yourself, and collecting evidence of your success. Here’s how to get over imposter syndrome with Roedel’s three strategies.